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Katerina sat under a willow tree. One that blew with the wind. A blanket lays under her while her head is stuck in a book. A romance novel that describes a perfect romance, one she knew is based of only a fairy tale.

The breeze blew in her hair, carefree and relaxing, helping keep it out of her way while she read of a romance she wanted.

Bash watched her as he walked up. The dress she wore was a light pink, something that he surprisingly loved. The light color made her sun kissed skin pop and suited her well.

He couldn't help but think about how to tell Katerina about the kiss. One he didn't want , one he wanted only from Katerina. Mary was drunk, tipsy at best but only because of his brother.

He approached the gorgeous girl carefully. His eyes glancing at the book her head was lost in, one that made him smile. She is different from the rest, she wanted nothing more but to sit outside with the sun kissing her skin with the available breeze as always.

"Hi sunshine" Bash said, startling Katerina only by a little.

Katerina glanced up from her book, her eyes meeting Bash's but with a different meaning. Her eyes showed sadness and wasn't filled with the happiness she usually holds within her glowing brown eyes.

"Hi" She responded back, marking her page and closing her book softly. She moved over , enough for Bash to join her and he didn't hesitate before plopping down on the blanket.

"Everything okay?" Bash asked concerned. He knew something was wrong and wanted nothing more but to fix the mess.

"Yeah. You?"

"I have something to tell you" He said, the words slipping out faster than usual. He didn't want to add more worry or concern but he needed to tell her.

Katerina nodded and watched Bash's eyes looking around quickly. His eyes searching for something but once they landed on hers , he relaxed.

"Mary kissed me, yesterday." He spoke quietly. "She was drinking, and upset about Francis. I offered her the ability to talk freely about her feelings and she instead kissed me"

He watched Katerina's face and instead of waiting for her response he continued. "I pushed away, took the bottle from her and told her I don't feel the same. My feelings are for another, not her. I made that clear"

Katerina's eyes popped out of her head. His words shocking her more. She wanted to know who the lucky girl was, she wanted to know if it was her. Instead she swallowed her pride.

"Okay" She said softly, shifting in her seat in order to get comfortable. "She must be a lucky girl" She said absent mindlessly. "The one you have feelings for" She clarified.

Bash wasn't sure if now was the time to tell her it was her, so he kept that to himself. "You aren't upset?"

Katerina turned to face Bash and gave him a soft smile. "Truthfully, I saw you two yesterday. I was with Prince Eric, and I watched the whole thing. You pulling away, to grabbing the bottle"

Bash blinked and glanced away, his fist closing and opening again.

"You told me the truth, Bash" She spoke gently, her hand covering his fist. "Thank you"

Bash relaxed and held her hand in his. Taking advantage of the small touch she offered.

"You had another suitor yesterday?" He asked, his hands still with hers.

She nodded, leaning against the tree. "Yes. Mary set it up again." Katerina left out the part where Mary was rude. She didn't want people to get the wrong idea of their Queen.

"How was it?" Bash asked, his hand tightening as he asked. He didn't want to know, but yet he did.

"He seemed sweet" She said. "Unfortunately something happened in Italy, so his stay was cut short"

"Did you wish it wasn't?"

She smiled softly. "Let's just say, he was sweet, but we didn't hit it off." Glancing at their hands she ended up laughing. "Plus no one can get over the fact I offer little to nothing"

Bash frowned, he knew the feeling, and yet he couldn't express how much he actually loved her for having nothing. Her worries weren't about politics or about the people she needs to care for. It was herself and because of her mother giving all responsibility to Mary, Katerina was able to feel some decent freedom.

"Sunshine, you will find someone who doesn't care about that" His voice low, and husky. Like the sentence made him almost jealous.

"You think so?" She said, her thumb drawing circles over his hand as they are kept interlocked.

"I know so" Bash smiled. His eyes casting a glance at their hands.

He couldn't help but notice the way her shoulders relaxed and how comfortable she was with him. He loved seeing her smile again, and loved how she wasn't upset with him about the kiss.

His problem was simple though. He wanted Katerina, and he needs titles or else he might not have a chance. He was willing to get more, just so he can provide enough for her, even though he knew she wouldn't care about those things. But he wanted a simple cottage for the both of them.

Bash couldn't help but smile as Katerina picked up the book and opened it, still keeping her hands in his.

"Want me to read to you?" She asked softly.

Bash smiled, "Sure, sunshine. I would love nothing more" He watched her grin, and as she let go of his hand to get a better grip on the book, she moved her foot closer to his to keep contact. The simple gesture made his heart grow two sizes bigger and hearing her voice without the need to pester her with questions made his shoulders relax.

He didn't care who saw them together, he praised it, he wanted nothing more but to claim her, to show the others that she is his. So as she read the story, his mind wandered through what their future could look like, and the big smile on his face wasn't going away anytime soon.

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