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They race each other. Around the castle and to a path that leads high up that gives them a great view. She can't help but laugh as Bash tries to beat her.

She keeps looking back, watching his smile only grow bigger. Her dress elegantly flows in the air and her horse speeds up to a slight degree.

Bash finds her laugh, her smile, and her just beyond beautiful. He watches her become carefree , all her worries from the previous Prince dissipate. Every time she turns around to look at him, he takes it in. The moment he knew she was the one, regardless of the other suitors Mary might bring.

He watched her ride, and enjoy the outdoors. Patting her horse whenever she could to let him know he was doing good. He watched the light in her eyes return and he couldn't help but feel like a King because he's the one that made her this way.

He let her win. Just so he can see her perfect smile every time she turned around.

They both slowed once they reached the top, Bash hopped off and rushed over to her , helping her get off as well. They both tied up their horse and looked at the view. The weather was beautiful and Katerina couldn't help but indulge in the freedom it gave.

"Thank you" She spoke softly, her body turning to Bash's. "For taking me away. For bringing me such happiness"

"It's my pleasure" Bash smiled back. He gently put his hands on her arms and moved them up and down. "You can always come to me , sunshine"

"Sunshine?" She asked amused. "Is that a new nickname for me?"

Bash had a slight blush run up his neck , meeting his cheeks with a warm pink. "Yes. I hope you don't mind"

She looks at the view, turning her body away in order to hide the big grin that took over her face. She didn't want to leave his hold, but she wanted to try and contain her feelings.

"I don't mind" Katerina tried her very best to hide her smile, but Bash see's it. His feelings only growing crazier for the girl. She was beautiful, something he truly couldn't get enough of.

Bash walked away, going towards a near by tree and picking up a couple of wild flowers, they also happened to be her favorite color. As Katerina soaked in the sun, closing her eyes and allowing the breeze to mess up her hair, Bash took the opportunity to sneak away. Get her flowers so she can keep them in her chambers, something that she can look at and remind her of him.

Bash returned back to Katerina. Slowly walking up next to her. He placed his hand on her elbow gently and she leaned into the slight touch he offered.

"Here" Bash held out the yellow wild flowers. "I saw them and they looked just as beautiful as you"

Katerina's eyes looked at the flowers and smiled. Her favorite color was yellow, and yet Bash remembered again. She moved her hands towards the flowers and as her hands grazed over his, she glanced up at him to only find him staring down at her.

Their eyes locked, her hands frozen over his, his other hand on her elbow with his thumb rubbing up and down. She was aware of his touch and the heat building between the two, but she was afraid to act on it.

Bash watched her eyes search through his. Her big doe eyes under her long lashes. He couldn't resist the dirty thoughts that went through his head. He watched her eyes look down at his lips and all he wanted was to kiss them. But not now, the timing needed to be perfect.

The sound of the horses shocked them back to reality. The short lived looks and glances still fresh in their minds.

Katerina grabbed the flowers and lifted them slowly to her nose, smelling the sweet and fruity fragrance. "You remembered my favorite color" She said lowly.

"I did" Bash nodded, his eyes now on the view. "We should head back soon, Sunshine. It will get dark before we know it"

Katerina agreed, carefully placing the flowers in her small bag. They went back to their horses, there shoulders inches apart, there body heat radiating off of each other.

Bash untied her horse first, allowing her to get situated before he untied his. His eyes staying on Katerina the whole time she got on and moved to get comfortable. Fixing her hair and fanning out her dress.

Once he saw her relax, he got onto his horse as well. There eyes locking once again, in a game against time but Katerina only smirks. "Race you" she speaks before taking off.

Another race where Bash can appreciate the gorgeous girl he wants to love. The gorgeous girl he's ready to risk it all for. The gorgeous girl with the perfect smile.

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