After that, a police officer came up to me and asked me what happened and I said that my instincts yesterday morning told me something was wrong so I followed them, and it led me to find out that someone was trying to steal the tiger. So I did the only thing anyone would do in my situation and I saved the tiger. Then they asked me a bunch of boring questions; like what did they look like, what was the color of the truck, and all other sorts of questions, but I'll leave all that boring stuff out. Turns out those questions helped the cops to find the three people and stop them from doing anything else. I became a hero to the zoo and was granted free passes anytime I wanted to go and visit my favorite tiger. So that's my story on why I was not at school the last two days. I know you might be thinking that I made up the story so I don't get in trouble, but I don't need you to believe me because I know what I did was right. I don't care if I got in trouble. All I know is that I did the right thing.

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