But let us get back to the story at hand. While they were all distracted I did the only thing I could think of doing, going up and hiding behind her cage. When I got to the cage I realized that the lock was on my side of the cage, and it would not be hard to unlock it. So I slowly moved closer to the lock trying my hardest not to be heard because the lock was closer to the three guys. When you finally get to the lock I slowly remove it with as little noise I can make. The lock is finally off and you get the tiger's attention. You make a hand signal that means come here and she does. By now the three guys stop arguing and realize the tiger is trying to escape with the help of you. But it was too late the tiger got out and came snuggling up to you. As the guys try to get closer, the tiger growls and makes a head movement for you to get on her back, so I did just that. When I was safely secure on her back she got up and started running as fast as she could right out of the zoo. In the background, you can hear them yelling to stop, but you do no such thing. 

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