The next morning I woke up to being licked by the tiger. All I can think is well isn't this a weird way to be woken up. Now that I got that off my chest. I tried to get her off of me but she was too heavy to move, so I lay there and waited for her to move on her own, which did not happen for about ten minutes. Let's just say that it was the worst ten minutes of my life, and it's not like I could've gone back to sleep. No, she would lick me again if I closed my eyes for more than ten seconds. After the tiger finally decided that she would let me free. I went out to the kitchen and made breakfast, which happened to be a dry bowl of Honey nut Cheerios because we had no milk. But because I think a tiger does not want to eat a bowl of cereal I knew I would have to find something else for her. So I took her outside knowing she is going to need to hunt for food. I trusted her to come back when she was done, and she did a half an hour later.

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