So after I was done I made sure the tiger was comfortable. Then I had to see what there was to eat because I knew it would be too risky to go back to town because of how late it was and the fact that the three guys were still looking for me and the tiger. When I looked I saw we had food and water. I was so happy that my mom believed that we should always keep the house stocked with nonperishable food. So the next problem I needed to figure out was how I was going to get in contact with my family and the police. Now, this is where the problem lies. There was no way to get wifi, and even if there was when I rushed out of the house I forgot my phone. You see there are phones in the house but to save money my dad calls the Cable company to turn them off when we're not using them. So I had no contact with the outside world. As the sun started to set I knew I would need to keep my energy for tomorrow by going to sleep early. I thought I would deal with this new problem in the morning. So I went to my room and lay down. The tiger came in shortly after and decided to lay at my feet, and together we fell asleep feeling safe in each other's presence. 

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