Bonding In More Ways Than One 💖💜

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Moonrise! It's clear that Roman and Virgil are best friends. I sound like a historian when I say that. So let's get a closer look into their relationship.

Thomas knew he'd regret this the moment he started. He was surrounded from every angle and there was shouting coming from everywhere. His ears were ringing and his skin was sticky. He smelled sweat and vomit. He was unsafe on this battlefield. His friends were gone. He blamed himself. He was scared and he just wanted to get away. There was no getting away, not without Joan. And they were gone now.

Thomas and Joan had gotten separated at a party, which Joan had made him attend. He only agreed because the guy he liked was supposed to be here. But there was no sign of him. A total waste of time. But Joan was his ride, so Thomas was stuck wandering in search of them.

As on edge and overstimulated as Thomas was, he didn't think it could get worse. He hated the feel of his own clothes, his shoes felt tight, there were too many people, he felt too warm, loud, everything stank. But somehow, when someone tapped him on the shoulder and said his name, that did it. Someone he knew was here. That wasn't Joan. And the touch of another person set him off. He felt someone else take over his movement and he smacked this person away with his arm, dashing away. He shoved people aside as he found a hallway. He lost feeling in his hands and feet as he rushed down a hall and found the bathroom door cracked open. He pushed it open and fell back on it to close it. His fingertips numbly locked it and he curled in on himself, still feeling like a mess, burning up. The cold tile floor he now lay on helped to take that away.

Roman and Virgil rose up next to him, frowning at each other and giving concerned looks to their host. "Why would you run away like that?" Roman asked quietly. "He was fine. He just needed to loosen up."

Virgil shook his head, using the heel of his hand to rub his arm through his sleeve. "No. He's not fine. He can't loosen up if he's freaking out like this. We- we need Joan. Joan can help. Call them. Call them." He kept his eyes shut, breathing uneven and hands shaky. "Call Joan."

Thomas looked up at the two, tears joining the sweat on his face. "I- I can't breathe."

Virgil groaned and put his hands on the back of his neck. "Stop! I- I can't help right now. Where's Logan?"

Roman muttered under his breath and shrugged. "Thomas drank too much in the beginning. He's out."

Virgil whined and ducked his face to hide it. "Call Joan or something please just do something I can't see can't breathe please tell me there's something you can do I can't-"

Reaching towards Virgil, Roman softened his voice. "I can't touch Thomas and he's too upset to do it. We need to calm you down first, Virgil. Can you take off your hoodie for me?"

Virgil's breathing hitched and he kicked himself away from Roman. "No! That's-"

"It'll help," Roman insisted. "You're overheated and that's making it worse. Just take off your hoodie. Once you're calmer, it'll help Thomas."

Virgil looked at the floor, suddenly very interested in the pattern of the tile. He eventually gave in, tears dripping from his eyes. He reluctantly pushed off his hoodie and dropped it in front of him. That did feel a lot cooler, even though he still wore a long-sleeved black shirt. The heat seeped from his bones until he was chilled. "Okay?"

"Is that better?" Roman asked. He received a small nod in response. "Okay. I'll have Thomas take off his jacket and splash some water on his face. That'll help you both more."

Roman did as he'd said he would, having Thomas pull himself up on the counter, crying silently as he rinsed off his face and dropped his jacket to the floor. Virgil watched quietly, slowly starting to calm down. Just when he thought he might be able to text Joan, Thomas heard a knock at the door. It echoed through the bathroom, clanged in his head, and paused his heart. There was some voice but it was muffled against Thomas's quiet sobs.

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