They ran away from the building as it started its collapse to the ground causing dirt and to rise from the impact. Fariel covered his body with his just as a column came tumbling down on top of them. The dust caused him to cough and look around to see where he was at and what was going on around him. Everything was screeching in his ears causing him to groan and try to get from under him. As soon as he was free, Ake tugged Fariel's unconscious body from underneath the rubble. 

Ake assessed his surroundings checking for anything that could be used as a weapon. He turned Fariel's body around once he saw gwasas lurking around. He had no time. Fariel was smart. He would have brought some form of protection. Under his shirt, Ake pulled out a sheath stashed away along the side of his leg. 

The gwasas stopped and turned around once they had gotten a good whiff of them. They looked  at one another speaking in some other tongue Ake was not familiar with instead of attacking. Ake did not waste the moment. He rose from the ground with the help of the sheath. One gwasa lunged for his sword arm, but Ake quickly took out the sword, ducked, and sliced through its belly. He jabbed the other one with the hilt of his sword just before lodging it through its neck. 

Ake fell to the grounded and breathed in shallow breaths from exhaustion. His strength had truly left him, but not all of it. He would have to make use of what was left. Ake looked up to the sky seeing fires lighting up the night sky. Griffins were falling from the skies left and right causing Ake's eyes to widen. With so few dragons here, he thought they had been overrun, but no. Those dragons were from Bahnasa. His father had listened to him. Eria would find him soon enough. He would just have to stay put here for a little longer. He checked for Fariel's pulse and it was strong. One less thing he had to worry about. All he needed to do was find Karos warm and breathing. It was all he wished for. 

"Ake... " Fariel murmured as he put an arm to his head. "You must leave me here and go." 

"I cannot."

"You are a prince."

"And you are Karos' friend. I cannot leave you here and face Karos after." Fariel sighed and rubbed his head and down to his lower back where the column hit. "Eria will be here soon enough. I will leave you with her and then I will go and find Karos." 

Fariel dragged a hand across his face before nodding.  "Do what pleases you. I had enough of you." 

Ake fought to stay woke as the night wore on. Fariel tried to stand through the pain of his injured leg. He would not be able to make it far. However, Fariel was in much better shape than he was. If only Eria would come sooner. Ake was growing anxious. He watched Fariel pace around with a small dagger in hand waiting for any gwasas or griffins to appear, but none did. 

"Something is strange," Fariel whispered.

"My father had sent us reinforcements... "

Fariel breathed deeply and shook his head. "Eunalians. They are here. I smell them."

Ake turned to look at Fariel just as a griffin came from behind the rubble and clawed at him. He fell down to the ground in surprise before rising and backing up towards Fariel. Another came from behind them forcing them both to the middle. Their long beaks shined under the moonlight. One ruffled it's feathers and circled around them like prey. Ake could hear their talons sinking into the dirt with each step causing his heart to pound out of his chest. Its tail swished around like a whip causing Ake to push Fariel down before it could lop off his head. He grabbed Fariel's wrist and rushed out towards the opening ,but another griffin stood in their way.

"So this is how I will die." 

"Hush!" hissed Ake. 

One let out a screech followed by a cry. It fell to the ground along with the other two causing Ake to look around and see Nanamus standing by with a blade drenched in black blood. 

Gods of Malcea ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ