the space between us - ally mayfair richards

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prompt: ally has been spending more time in her office than with her wife, reader. reader tries to convince ally to take a break.

trigger warning: none really, just stress and a little angst.

word count: 552


"Ally?" You poked my head into the office where your wife was typing on her computer.

"Yes, my love?" She asked you, still focusing on the computer. You walked behind her and looked at what she was doing. It was about her restaurant. Her ex wife, Ivy owned it before, but when she died Ally wanted to take over the business. That meant a lot of work, which you had noticed.

"Are you planning on getting any sleep?" You kissed her neck and she closed her eyes for a second before opening them again.

"Not tonight, darling. Sorry." She sighed and continued typing. That was the answer you had been getting for two weeks now.

"Please." You asked with a pout.

"I'm working, Y/n." She ran her fingers through her hair "I'm sorry, but I really need to get this done."

"You need sleep, sweetheart." You kissed the crown of her head.

"Y/n, I really have to do this." She raised her voice "And I won't ever finish this if you keep nagging me."

You flinched a little by her tone. She never talked to you like this and it hurt you a little. You knew she was stressed and she never meant to hurt you in any way so you tried your best to ignored it.

"Come on, honey. It's not healthy." You combed your fingers through her hair.

"Please just leave, Y/n." She spoke harshly and batted your hand away like a fly. It made you frown.

"Sweetheart..." You tried.

"No, I can't focus with you bothering me!" She turned around. She looked angry and exhausted. You never meant to bother her in any way, you just wanted what's best for her.

"Okay. I'm sorry." You apologised and walked to the door "I love you." You looked at her but her gaze was focused on the computer. You sighed as you tried not to let the tears in your eyes fall. You walked to the bedroom you two shared. But it didn't even feel like she lived with you anymore, you didn't recognise her at all. You took off your clothes and laid down on the bed, crying silently to yourself.. This wasn't the sweet, loving Ally you married, this was a stranger. Your thoughts got the best of you.

She hates you
You're useless
You're annoying
Just stop trying

Soon you felt two arms around your waist and kisses on your neck. You tensed up without meaning to and Ally noticed it. She closed her eyes and took a breath.

"I'm so sorry, baby." She apologised, it sounded like she was crying too.

"It's okay." You answered in a quiet voice.

"No, it's not. You're my wife. I should be spending time with you, not in front of the computer." You turned around and buried your head in her chest, listening to her heartbeat as she stroked your hair.

"But the restaurant is important."

"You're more important than anything in the world for me." She wiped the tears from your cheeks "I'm sorry, honey. I love you so, so much." 

"I love you too." Finally Ally was back.

Your Ally.

i hate this but whatever

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