Chapter 12

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Athena's POV

It was the next day and I received a letter from Gringotts to go there to see my grandfather. So I got ready and went to tell Sev if I could use the floo that he has in his chambers. (Her outfit is the one on top). After that I told the guys that I was going to Gringotts to see my grandfather. They understood even though Dray went all mother hen on me and told me to be careful just incase and to make sure I had my wand on me. I rolled my eyes but smiled at him. After that I left to Sev's chambers to use the floo since I asked him while he was in the common room, Unfortunately I saw Weasley walking towards me. I have no idea what he was doing in the dungeons but I tried to avoid him. "What are you doing down here Athena?" asked Weasley. "Well you probably don't care but my common room is down here unless you have forgotten." I told him coldly. "Right yeah forgot, but were are you going dressed like that?" "That's none of your business and I have told you that we aren't friends so we aren't on a first name basis." "What are you talking about we are friends don't you remember you're friends with Mione and me." "Excuse me Mr. Weasley I'm going to try and be civil here. We are not friends nor am I friends with Ms. Granger so if you would be so kind and leave me alone."

"What are you going to Gringotts for?"

"I already told you Weasley that is non of your business now if you would let me pass and let me leave or else I will be late ."

"I won't move unless you tell me what you're going there for."

"Pardon me?"

"I said-"

"I heard what you said alright I just don't understand the need to tell you what I'm going there for."

"Is there a problem Athena?" I heard Sev say.

"Weasley here isn't letting me pass through unless I tell him what I'm going to do at Gringotts."

"And have you told Mr. Weasley what you're going to do there?"

"Of course not it's not his business."

"Right 5 points from Gryffindor."

"But professor-"

"Do you want more points taken from you Mr. Weasley?"

"No sir."

"That's what I thought now leave before I give you detention."

Weasley left as fast as he could.

"Thanks Sev, he was getting on my nerves and if you hadn't arrived when you did I think I would have hexed him."

"I wouldn't mind if you did but then Dumbles would call you into his office."

"Of course he would wouldn't he?"

Sev nodded.

"I should probably get going, don't want to hold up the goblins now." 

Sev nodded and gave me a container with floo powder.

"Remember to speak very clearly."

I nodded and took  some floo powder and stepped in the fireplace and said "Gringotts bank"

I closed my eyes and when I felt the spinning stop I opened them again.

I saw I was in Ragnuk's office, I saw him and grandfather there sitting and talking about grandfather's vaults and the businesses his family had.

I saw I was in Ragnuk's office, I saw him and grandfather there sitting and talking about grandfather's vaults and the businesses his family had

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(Tom Riddle)

"Good afternoon Ragnuk, Grandfather."

"Afternoon Thena, how have you been?"

"Afternoon little snake, how have you been, how has Hogwarts been. Has the old goat left you alone?"

"I've been fine Ragnuk, and Hogwarts has been fine. Dumbles keeps on staring at me trying to read my mind and it's getting kinda creepy to be honest."

"Well that wouldn't be the first time he's done that."

"What do you mean grandfather?"

"He did the exact same thing to me when I was at Hogwarts."


"Yes well, couldn't really do anything about it, but anyways I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me to Slytherin manor?"

"That would be wonderful grandfather."

"Right, and before I forget I wanted you to see my inheritance test."

"Yeah sure."

It read:

Name: Thomas Marvolo Riddle Jr. 

Date of birth: December 31,1926

Blood status: Halfblood

Mother: Merope Riddle nee Gaunt (Deceased, 31st December 1926)

Father: Thomas Riddle Sr. (Deceased, 1943)

Maternal family:

Maternal Grandfather: Marvolo Gaunt

Maternal Uncle: Morfin Gaunt

Paternal family: 

Grandparents: Thomas and Mary Riddle


The most ancient and prestigious house of Slytherin (Mother, through grandfather)

The most ancient and prestigious house of Ravenclaw (Gift from mother magic)

The most ancient and most noble house of Gaunt (Mother, through grandfather)


Imperious curse (since fourth year at Hogwarts to become interested in black magic and 31st of October, 1981 to kill the Potter's)

Hate towards Athena Potter, Gryffindors, "light" wizards

Spell to never feel love

Glamour: look like a half snake human hybrid

All potions, glamours and spells keyed to A.P.W.B.D


A/N:  Soo sorry guys, I haven't posted in like 2 weeks and I'm truly sorry for that but I had some problems with my mental health and I had final exams I also have a feeling that I will fail my chemistry exam I already failed my biology and I have a feeling I also failed my spanish exam. I haven't had time to write I have gone to sleep at 12 am studying for those damn exams. I have also had problems with someone special to me so that has made my mental health a bit worse and all. I am sorry for not posting. Also sorry for a bit of a cliffhanger.

Athena Potter "The Girl-Who-Lived" gone "Dark"Where stories live. Discover now