Chapter 10

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Athena's POV

"I- what happened?" asked grandfather after coming out of his gaze.

"Well how do you feel. Do you remember what he did?" I asked 

"What?" after he said that his eyes widened as if he just remembered everything. "little snake, is that you?" My eyes widened when he said that, I guess he remembers everything.

"Yeah it's me." I could see he had some tears in his eyes. He probably remembers being forced to kill his daughter and son-in-law and all the rest of innocent people he killed because of Dumbledore and his mind tricks. Merlin I hate that man.

"Little snake you should probably go to your next class. I'll give you a note so you can give it to your teacher." I nodded and waited for him to write the note and then left to my next class which I think it's potions or Transfiguration.

Time skip

After all my classes I left to go to my common room. I was talking to the guys when I remembered something that had happened a little bit ago. 

"Hey guys do you know why everyone was staring at me when I laughed at what Blaise said about not being able to sleep cause Theo was snoring loud af?"

"Ummm- well it might be because you sound cute when you giggle? Right guys?" Said Dray

I noticed that everyone nodded at what he said. I think I was blushing so hard because Dray and Bini started laughing.

"Stop laughing or I swear to merlin I'll hex you into oblivion." 

"How are you going to learn a hex if we just started school?"  

"Well dear Bini, I unlike some people I read some books about hexes and curses from some books I had bought at the bookstore when we went to buy our school stuff."

"Since when was I Bini. And anyways I did read ahead of some classes but to buy a book and read it by my own, it would be a miracle or it's just that something or someone possessed me." Said Blaise with a shrug.

"Right so if I see you reading by yourself and if no one forced you to read then I'll hit you as hard as I can since your possessed right?" I said, obviously joking but I think Bini took it seriously.

"I'd prefer it if you ask me something only I would know rather than you hit me."

I was laughing so hard I had to wipe some tears that had escaped from laughing so hard.

"Obviously she was just joking Blaise and anyway I'd know if you were possessed or something like that." Said Dray.

"Anyway, I'm going to sleep since I'm tired from the first day and all. Night everyone."

A chorus of "Night Thena" and "Sleep well" was the last thing I heard after closing the door of my dorm.

I changed into some pjs and took off my makeup as well as brushed my hair and my teeth.

After that I went to my bed and closed the curtains around my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

Time skip to when she talks with tom about the stone (A/N: I know but I think I'll do a time skip till the end of the third year since not a lot happened in the second and the beginning of the third year. But it's basically the same thing that happened in the movies except the Slytherins don't really bully her or anything they're just a tiny bit scared of her but that's it. And in the third year she figures out that Hermione in using the time turner and all.)

"So, grandfather have you thought of a way to get your body back?"

"Actually, I have. Do you know about the philosopher's stone?"

"Well just a bit I read about in a book I had found in the library at Malfoy Manor and in a chocolate frog card that said Dumbles was friends with Nicholas Flamel who was the only known creator to make the stone."

"Right, you know the only thing actually known for that stone. But it also grants immortality and can change any metal into gold."

"So that how you plan on getting the stone?"


"Do you at least know where it is?"

"Yes, Dumbles hid it here in the third floor."

"Ohh so that's what fluffy is guarding."


"Hagrids pet cerberus."

"Right but I still need a way to get it but with Quirrell's body I don't think I'll be able to get it."

 "I can help you get it I mean I can get it for you, if you want?"

"I- are you sure little snake you know it can be dangerous."

"Yes, it's fine and anyway how can I not do it you the only family I have left."

"But don't you have another uncle in NYC?"

"Oh yeah but you're the only family I have left in England."

I saw his eyes tear a bit, but I didn't mention it since I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Umm so I'll get it in a week since winter break starts next week."

He nodded and told me I should probably go back to my common room.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter and for not updating as I said I would but this week has been chaotic with a bunch of writing assignments and other homework's but I tried updating this weekend and I couldn't, so I wrote this chapter today since I didn't have any homework. And also, I'm doing those timeskips since nothing important happens apart from tom finding out the truth as well as getting the stone. The next chapter will be the last one for first year then I'll start on the last part of the third book and then on to fourth year since that's where the plot starts to happen. I don't think I'll put that many things from the avenger's movie maybe from the first one where the Loki thing happens and all that stuff but I still haven't decided since I'll first write about Thena's time at Hogwarts and then I'll write the rest about twilight and marvel. Remember nothing belongs to me except Athena and the plot the rest is to their respective creators.

Athena Potter "The Girl-Who-Lived" gone "Dark"Where stories live. Discover now