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Harvey fiddled with the sleeve of his hoodie as he watched his sister and mother hug each other goodbye. 

"Be safe, Bella if you need anything just call me," Renee said, turning to Harvey.

"You take care of her, as her older brother it's your job to make sure she doesn't get hurt," his mother ordered, making him roll his eyes. 

"She'll be fine Renee," he scoffed, checking the time. 

"Kay, we've gotta skedaddle. Bella will call you when we're off the plane," Harvey said walking towards the entrance of the airport. 

"Bye!" His mother called from behind him, mostly directing it to Bella who waved before following her older brother. 

As soon as they were on the plane and situated in their seats, Harvey closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. He really didn't want to talk to Bella, it had been like that since they were kids. Talking to each other was never easy for them, it almost always ended up in a fight. So Harvey had learned to just not talk to avoid conflict. 

That only applied to his mother, step-dad, and Bella. He wondered how his dad was doing, they hadn't been able to talk for a little bit over a year due to Renee taking away Harvey's phone. He wondered if Charlie would be able to deal with his sickness-prone son and not be driven to just lock him up in his room. 

Before he could think much about it he was beginning to fall asleep, and he let the darkness consume him. 

"Hey, dad," Was the first thing that came out of Harvey's mouth when he saw the man. 

"Hey, Harvey, Bella," he responded, hugging the both of them. Harvey took in the sight of dark pine trees, his father's police cruiser, and the old rickety house he would live in for the summer. 

"It's been a while," Harvey said, trying to make conversation. 

"It certainly has, by the way, your rooms are still the same as you left them and you better go unpack." Upon hearing this, both teens went upstairs to put their stuff away. 

After he had most of his stuff unpacked and set up, Harvey lay on his bed. He then remembered something he had to talk to his dad about. Conveniently, Charlie poked his head through the door. 

"Hey, dad, there's something I need to tell you," Harvey said, not anxious whatsoever. 

"What is it sport? You ok?" Charlie asked, slight concern creeping into his voice. 

"Yeah, I am as of now, but I wanted you to know that I'm gay." Harvey waited to see what his father would say, he didn't know what Charlie thought of him now.

"Ok." That was the only thing Charlie said. 

"Good, just thought you should know," Harvey noticed his father looked slightly happier than usual. 

"I'll always support you no matter what kiddo, and I'll always love you."

"Thank you," Harvey said smiling at his father. 

"Anyways, I came here to tell you that dinner is done. Oh, and if anyone tries to mess with you because of who you like, give me a name and address and I'll deal with it." Harvey chuckled at his father's words and smiled. 

"Will do." 

Harvey groaned when his alarm clock started going off, he grabbed it and threw it across the room. Surprisingly, it didn't break. He sighed before getting up and getting dressed, putting on black ripped jeans and a white long-sleeved button-up. 

He stumbled to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and tried to tame his wild black hair, but to no avail. He gave up and checked the time, seeing he had to leave in five minutes. He sighed and grabbed his backpack, heading out to the truck after eating a granola bar. 

He didn't say a word on the drive to school, he didn't want to talk to Bella since she looked like she was in a bad mood and he didn't want to deal with her. It's not that he hated her, she was just too much sometimes. 

When they arrived at school he noticed many people staring at him and he sent back glares. He tried to ignore the feeling of self-doubt that bubbled up within him and walked to the front office. 

"You must be Harvey and Bella Swan, it's nice to meet you both. Here are your schedules." After they got that over with Harvey went to his first class, leaving Bella by herself. Harvey opened the door and sat in the very back, hoping no one would sit next to him. 

Alas, he never got what he wanted and a cheery brunette sat next to him. 

"Hi, I'm Alice!" She said cheerily. 

"Harvey," he responded. They began to conversate and Harvey found that she was actually a very likable person. 

"So what is your favorite band?" 

"Fall out boy, what's yours?" He directed the question back to her. 

"Paramore," She replied, it was then that the teacher walked in. They listened to her talk about different techniques of art and some key factors. Before Harvey knew it class was over. He grabbed his things and Alice followed him outside the classroom. 

"What classes do you have?" Alice asked curiously. Harvey showed her his schedule and she clapped.

"Yay, we have more classes together! Ok so after lunch you have history with my brother, Jasper, he's amazing. I'll make sure to introduce you to him at lunch," she said excitedly. 

"Ok, see you later," Harvey said waving to the girl and walking away. 



935 words

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