48: This Is Only The Beginning

Start from the beginning

It radiated off the hero in waves, like an ocean of flames. Sanyu's leg ached and burned. He swore he could feel the sensation of blood dripping down his leg despite the fact it was no longer there.

Hellflame as a quirk was just too similar to Clementine's fire powers. He couldn't quite separate the two. Luckily Tao and the rest of the heroes were taking care of the rest of the Nomu so Sanyu could stay back and help with the evacuation.

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Once Keigo and Endeavor were both on the ground they were enveloped in blue flames.

"The league of villains." The number one hero gritted out, "What are you doing here, Dabi?". The villain smiled, stretching the staples.

"You don't want to talk to me? That's a real shame." He replied. Keigo gritted his teeth.

"What, are you here to fight us?" He asked, readying his stance.

"No, of course not." Dabi said sarcastically, "Why would I take on the two top heroes while they're covered in wounds?!". With that, he lunged for them, but was stopped by a kick to the face.

Miruko landed with a wide smile. "You're part of the league, aren't you? I'm gonna kick your ass!" She shouted.

Dabi gritted his teeth, obviously not having anticipated this. "Well I wouldn't want to interrupt." He said, before turning to Endeavor. "Congrats, number one! Stay strong and don't die. I'd love to face you again, Todoroki Enji!" He shouted before black goop erupted from his mouth, disappearing and taking Dabi and the Nomu's body with it.

"Keigo!" Sanyu called out. The man looked up to see the teen running for him, Tao hot on his heels.

His heart ached when he saw how they looked. When the day had started both had been immaculately dressed and ready for the ceremony. Now Sanyu's left pant leg was all but incinerated and his right had several rips. Tao's always perfect hair was askew, pushed as far away from his face as he could get it. His clothes were all scraped up and ripped and he, like every other hero, was covered in a certain amount of dust from being near the collapsing building.

He was also holding an unfamiliar weapon, which he quickly hid behind his back at the sight of Endeavor. He handed it to Sanyu and the boy seemed to absorb it into his leg, the gun folding up and melding seamlessly with the rest of the silver metal.

"Are you two okay?" Keigo asked, dropping his pro hero persona immediately. "God did you two get hurt? Why didn't you leave the rescuing to the pros? You could have died!".

"We're fine you worry wart." Tao assured Keigo, "It takes a lot more than that to kill people like us.". But Sanyu could see how shaky he was as he let the man pull him into a hug. Keigo went to Sanyu next, pushing his overgrown bangs out of his face so he could check for injuries. When he found none he pulled Sanyu into a tight hug.

"Nobody died." Sanyu informed him, "At least not that I know of. We got everyone to the subway before the building could collapse or they were far enough away that no one was hurt.".

"God you two are efficient." Keigo said with a laugh.

"Damn right we are." Tao said with a smile. "You should rely on us more, you know.". Keigo just wordlessly pulled them both into a hug. He lost so many feathers in the fight he couldn't quite get his wings around them like he normally did, but the hug felt the same regardless.

"But you did a great job." Sanyu informed the pro, "You're going to be the best number two hero.".

Endeavor looked at the scene with an unreadable expression.

This, what he saw in front of him....it was everything he had wanted. He wanted Shoto to back him up in battle. To come running to him when it ended, to tell him he'd be a great number one. He wanted to see his other children too and have them do the same. He wanted to be the type of number one they could be proud of.

And maybe deep down he had wanted Rei to be there too. Supporting him, watching out for their children. She wasn't a fighter, not in the least, but she would have helped people out of the building.

He knew he wasn't going home like Hawks was. He was headed for the hospital to treat his myriad of injuries. And when he got home after that he doubted there would be a warm welcome.

And for that he had no one to blame but himself.

The teenage boy looked back at Endeavor with an expression so cold for a second he forgot he was overheating. Endeavor couldn't really tell that Sanyu wasn't actually mad.

Because he wasn't. He was scared.

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Speaking of warm welcomes, Sanyu received one the next morning when he went to check on everyone in 1-A. Really he came to talk to Todoroki, but he wanted to make sure everyone was okay and talk to All Might. There was a lot to discuss.

But before he could even get to the 1-A alliance he heard someone moving in the bushes behind him. Bunny, who was at his side as she usually was these days, perked up and immediately went to search for the cause.

"Aw Bun you sold me out!" A familiar voice said with a laugh. Mirio's face popped out through a tree and smiled at Sanyu. "Welcome back to campus! I saw you on the news and wanted to make sure you were okay. You were super cool out there!".

Sanyu felt his chest warm up in the nicest possible way at that. The sort of heat that didn't remind him of that night in Belgium.

"You okay?" The older teen asked, stepping out from behind the tree completely. Sanyu looked away from Mirio.

He didn't want to answer. He shouldn't answer. Putting all this on Mirio-it wasn't fair. He couldn't just explain why he didn't like the number one hero. As far as he knew Endeavor was a perfectly nice, normal person with an awkward son that may or may not hate Sanyu.

When he zoned back in Mirio's face was much closer to his than it had been. He startled back a bit, feeling his cheeks turn bright red. He was so close!

Mirio's brow furrowed in concern. "Do you have a fever or something?" He asked, placing the back of his palm on Sanyu's forehead.

Sanyu felt like his whole face was erupting in flames. His stomach dropped in a completely unfamiliar way and Bunny, present as always, gave him the alert that he was about to faint.

What was that? Why was he so close? Why was Sanyu's heart going a mile a minute?

Did he actually have a fever?!


Welcome to my life. I asked you guys if you wanted a double update, fell asleep before I was able to see your responses to that, was unable to get to my computer for a whole day and then decided to add a cute little scene at the end because Sanyu thinks he's sick. 

And he is, just not in that way 😅

I don't know why I decided to go with something so cheesy and typically anime but honestly it kind of suits him 

Obviously I'm not going to be writing cliche's but you know, let me have my classics 😌

I'm kind of glad I saved this for today tho because I forgot I had a test to study for so I won't be able to finish 49 tonight 😅

BTW I want to make sure that the whole 'endeavor' thing comes off the way I intended it to-twisting the knife. 

I'm not sympathizing with him, I'm outlining why he has such a shitty life right now. Its all his fault. 

Stay Tuned! 

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