
Start from the beginning

After eating lunch, Tom has to go to an office near Westminster to do this podcast, of course, Y/N is accompanying him.

In the office, Y/N says hi to everyone, recognising some faces he has seen on YouTube before and they know him too apparently.

Y/N sits in the corner of the room, letting the one concern sit around the table with mics. Tom give this telephone to record a bit for his vlog to Y/N.

The boys around the table are talking about stuff I don't know, so in a way, I get to know everyone better just by listening to them.

"So Tommy, we get to expose everyone but we haven't talked about you so far..."

I find myself listening closely for a moment, this has to be good.

"Because they are nothing to say!" He said laughing nervously.

"Are you sure about that? Because we all know something here that we don't know the full... details"

"What do you mean?"

"We want to know more about what happened in Tubbo's house."

Tom covers his face with his hands. "Nooooooooooooo"

"Yes, how did you find yourself uncorking the toilets with your bare hands?"

I look shocked and amused at the same time.

"Yes Y/N, he did that." The man said looking at me

Tom turns to look at me "I can explain myself."

I burst out laughing seeing him being embarrassed "I want to know everything."

"Can someone bring a chair for Y/N, those reactions are priceless."

Someone brought a chair and placed it next to Tom. I go sit on it

Tom is all embarrassed. "So explain yourself now." I said to him and in the mic, to make sure everyone can hear. "So..."

Tom tells the story to everyone as expected everyone's laughing. "But why didn't you ask Tubbo for something to unclog the toilets like HG or Buster?" "Well it was already very embarrassing so..." " Yeah but now it is more embarrassing." I burst out laughing.

" You laugh a lot Y/N good now that you're here, it's your turn to tell a story."

" Well let me think." I'm confident about this, I have to find an embarrassing story but funny at the same time...

A/N: let's embarrass myself there. True story coming through 🤡

So, one day I went to London with my family, that was about 7/8 years old. We went to see my family and to do shopping. So we went shopping and all, I went to Hamleys in bought big Lego. So as a child, I was carrying my Lego proudly in the streets of London to Waterloo station, hopping on the train. So when we arrived at the station where I was supposed to get off the train, I got up, took my bag and walk towards the exit and suddenly I tripped on a bag in fell on the ground in front of everyone." I finish my sentence bursting with laughter.

Everyone laughs around the table.

"Wait, wait. So I got up, red as a tomato I was embarrassed. A man asked me if I was okay and I just ran away without falling this time."

You spend around one hour speaking with everyone, it was fun.

Now it's time to resume our little visit to London but for a short time only, Our train is in one hour. So we slowly walk towards Waterloo station.

When we arrived at the station, we hop on the train and sit. Tom showed me the photo he had taken with his phone. He has a good quality, I couldn't expect less from an iPhone 13."

"Dunno if I am going to post some of them."

"Do as you want." I said laying my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.

" sleepy boy aren't you?"

"Yes." I said giggling a bit

Turn take his jacket off and put it on me.

"Imagine it's me hugging you" I can't help but smile at the idea.

I slowly fall asleep on his shoulder.

Tom gently woke me up. "We're almost there"

I rub my eyes and sigh, hi shouldn't have slept, now I'm fucked.

I said correctly in my chair and take out my phone to look at the time. Who said I'm having my attention focused on the time, It's focusing on the Instagram notifications I received.

I looked through dozens of notifications. "xxx commented on a publication you've been mentioned in." I go on Instagram to find that Tom has posted of photos. If you go look at them. He posted the photos he showed you. When you swiped to the last photo, you see a photo that Tom have taken on the train with you sleeping on the shoulder.

"Tom you have to tell me how to turn these notifications off."

"Oh yeah give me."

I pass my phone to Tom and in just a second, he switched them off. "You don't mind me posting the last photo do you?"

"Not at all, if you're asking me are we showing people are together, they'll know one day so it doesn't change anything"

" I mean, we didn't even try to eat it it's just like we don't care"

"Exactly Tom."

"I wanted to know how you feel about that just to know your boundaries."

Both of the boys are going off the train and slowly walking toward Tom's apartment. You take the path alongside the beach, Tom is so excited for you to be here that he's doing the clown. You're recording him with your phone and when he's so that he jumped on you. You catch him. "I saw you, filming me." He said looking at me in the eyes. I giggled and he went for a kiss.

You're posting on your story if you do that you have taken. People are now wondering if the both of you are dating, it's not bad to make them wonder.

A/N: hello fellow readers. Don't forget to vote on this chapter and share your reaction

There are not going to have many chapters the following month, like I said before I was studying for my exam and now it's the final line. I will keep on writing on my side of the story to have a break from school and normally end of June with everything over there are going to be more chapters. And with more details about Britain because I will be there. Anyway, I'm hoping you'll have a great day and if just like me you have exams, you will pass it.

Don't know if you notice but I put music on top of the chapter, I like listening to them when I'm reading the chapter ^^


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