Chapter 6- C. Rabbit's Plan

Start from the beginning

C. Rabbit pause a bit as he look at rags like what he said shocked him.

The rushes to rags again to listen again.

"Excuse me? What did you mean by that, Tiger?"

Rags panics a bit while he sweat more.

"What i mean is... We can control the tunes instead of killing them. We can make them worship you and let them to kill rocky and bullwinkle since they aren't popular enough than the duo.".

C. Rabbit begin to think to hear what Rags say. He realized he like the idea. He quickly change his expression of serious.

He look at rags. He gets closer to him.

"Oh, Rags... You're too cute to be smart like that. Do you always plan that to impress me?"

All of C. Rabbit's flirtatious making Rags' face turn red from blushing hard.


C. Rabbit shush Rags' mouth with his finger.

"Shh... shut."

As they were getting closer. They're interrupted by the loud knock from the door.

C. Rabbit and Rags push each other off like they did nothing close together.


As the door enters, 3 robot trio bring some toons to C. Rabbit. Hoppity hopper, Uncle Waldo P. Wigglesworth, and Fillmore the Bear.

C. Rabbit notice the toony trio.

"Ah... i see trio of big assholes."

The trio struggles trying to escape but no use.

"So... Hoppity Hopper. The forgotten frog no one have not talk shit about of who he is."

Uncle Waldo and Fillmore look at each other.


"Now as i was saying... it's good to see a frog, wolf and bear looks so shitty."

Hoppity hopper ain't happy how what C. Rabbit said.

"How dare you insult me like th-"

Suddenly, he was slapped in the face hard very violently.


Uncle Waldo and Fillmore was full of fear and shaky. they didn't say any word but only keep their mouth shut.

On the other hand, C. Rabbit begin to punching Hoppity Hopper hard as much til Hoppity grows a nose bleed.

"PLEASE STOP..." Uncle Waldo whined.

C. Rabbit begin to look at the others. He look at them with a hard stare.

"RRCA#9, Put the frog down."

One of the robots demanded of C. Rabbit's offer. As they let go of Hoppity, the frog himself didn't move but shake in fear.

C. Rabbit give close to hoppity. Pointing at him with his bloody covered hands.

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