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The phone call ended and Amy's heart thudded each second. Bob called her so they could find each other. They found each other hours later, Gabe and PJ in tow, a police officer greeted them with the gravel news of their daughter still missing and that they should at least get some sleep before heading back.

They rented a hotel but no one got much sleep. Their worries for Teddy still very much the front thought. Amy curled into Bob crying once awoke the next day and Bob smoothed her hair and tried to calm her. Gabe and PJ watched their parents silently both now knowing of there missing sister.

"shush it's okay I promise she's okay" Bob assured her

"you don't get it, it's Christmas Day and I told teddy she ruined Christmas and know she hates me" Amy sobbed 

"if I know Teddy she be wanting you not hating you trust me" Bob said softly

Amy smiled softly and said "still wish I hadn't said it"

"amends can be fixed like when she's back you can treat her" Bob smiled sadly as he said it

"true supposed we should tell the rest of the family she's missing" Amy sighed

"news is broadcasting Teddy's disappearance so I'm sure they know now" Bob said sadly

Meanwhile in the alley Teddy was curled up cold and shaking. It had been a long night with no sleep and barley nothing to eat or drink. She hadn't eaten in what seemed forever. (Realistically about 16 hours). She had lost her shoes to a pickpocket sometime in the night. She hurt all over.

Growl. Her stomach. She was hungry and as she tried to stand she couldn't as she fell to the floor. It was then when she realised her ankle was twisted and she hit her arm on the floor. Crying out in pain. She figured she had done some damage to her wrist.

"Help" she cried out

No one heard her and she started hoping someone found her soon.

She shivered as the wind hit around her neck and bare skin. She couldn't sleep at all. Sighing seemed to pass time. She was lonely and she knew she was loosing her voice.

She didn't know when her eyes closed but she did know her face was now tear stained and possibly had a gaze on it from tossing and turning. Her head was starting to feel like a boxing match.

Soon her eyelids opened after a dream of her with her parents. She missed them and she wanted them. The fogginess of her brain had made her forget about the argument with her mum. She just wanted them. Like now.

Teddy missingWhere stories live. Discover now