part 12

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Everything was really going on so fast. First dad is here, I also heard that he's Chloe's dad which means, she is my half sister. Then Luke showed up, and John's dad, my dad and Mia's dad know each other. Things were really complicated.

"Why is everyone looking at me as if I am the bad guy?"

We all sat silently. He deserved a chance to explain at least.

"Look, when I met Sheila, your mother, it was not supposed to be serious. I didn't even know she was pregnant. Then after her husband threw her out, she came to me. How was I supposed to believe her. Then when I decide to talk to her about it,I hear she is married to another man!! What was I to do? I just closed that chapter in my life and moved on with my family. I had a wife and a daughter. It's not like she was the only one losing everything. I lost my wife after she found out. She just disappeared and left me with a kid. I didn't even know how to feed a child and she left me with a two year old daughter. But when she reached out again and told me about her sickness, I decided to help. Not because she was sick, but because she was suffering."

"Okay. Kids, you can go to Mia's room and catch up. Ryan needs to be asleep by now by the way."

We all heard her dad and headed upstairs to Mia's room.

Ryan fell on her bed and closed his eyes immediately. Funny how he doesn't care about any of the drama going on. Honestly, i thought he'd cry or say or do something, but he just ate throughout. He didn't even care about anything else.

" Mia, what is going on?".
Chloe asked as she tuck Ryan in and sat next to him.

"I also have no idea. But let's see. That day after you pulled that stunt and Dylan helped, he asked if he can stay at my place for sometime and I said yes. So, that's all there is on my side."

What Happened down there definitely traumatized everyone, well, except Ryan. I'm happy he is okay.

"Okay. Then I brought my baby brother here as well. That's all that has been happening here." I didn't see anything else important to state

"Okay. And how did that excuse of a man get here?"
Luke asked.

"Well, my dad said he was going to invite some of his friends from work to have dinner with us and they came. He also told me to invite Chloe."
Mia looked sad. It's like she didn't want to be here.

"And?" He wanted to find out more.

"Well, I went to the bathroom and on coming back, I see my dad. Then when we settle, Dylan, Mia and a cute baby come join us. When they sit, I hear the baby calling out dad. I even thought he was Mia's baby brother."

"Well, that's when I looked across the table and came eye to eye with him. He didn't even look at me. He just looked at you."
I said looking at Chloe, my new half sister?

"So, you two are like siblings?" Luke looked pissed.

"Yeah. I guess."
I didn't know how to react.

"Well, I never thought my dad had another kid. He is always absent."
She looked sad. I even pitied her. Honestly, that man could never surprise me. I know him like the back of my hand.

"Well, no one should ever find out about any of this okay? And if there are any more secrets, I suggest you all spill right now. Or anything you need to say to each other."

Luke really had to do that?? I looked at Mia and she looked at me. I didn't want anyone to know. She was definitely not okay with that. But, why not tease her a little? Someone needed to lift the mood.

"Well, I'll go first." I said and smirked at her. She looked at me in surprise.

"It's about Mia." I added and looked at her again. Both Luke and Chloe looked at me as if they were worried I'd say something.

"I think, you need to stay away from Lisa."

I have always wanted to say that to her from the moment we were in the car together. The very first time.

"Why?" She definitely had zero idea of what was going on.

"Because, Mia, she is not a good person!" Chloe beat me to it.

"Okay. Both of you have been speaking in parables. Now I need an explanation." She huffed and looked at both Chloe and I. Well, I definitely didn't want to be the one to tell her. So I looked at Chloe and she glared at me.

"Wow! You are Mia?" Luke asked. I swear he was like dumb dumb.

"I told you that already." Now she was getting pissed. If I were Luke, I'd shut up before she went all Mia.

"Bro, when you said about Mia,I didn't think it was Mia Mia, I thought it was another Mia. Well, Mia, reputation precedes you. You are definitely not what I imagined you'd be like."
He smiled at her. He was teasing her. I could tell.

"Okay!!! Someone just tell me what the fuck I've missed my whole life. Ik going downstairs to get some popcorn. When I get back, I want to know every single detail. Or else I'll chop all your heads off." She was now overly upset.

Living with Mia, I know how she can get. She has a short fuse and is extremely violent when angry. She stormed out of her room and made sure to bang the door on her way out.

"Okay, if I were you, I'd definitely get a story before she comes back." I told the two of them as I sat on the bed next to Chloe. The bed we were both making out on like a week or two ago. The thought made me shiver.

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