Chapter 20: The Nest

Start from the beginning

Artemis: "I get it, but with what we dealt with before leaving for the lodge... It kinda makes me get why the League is running the investigation and honestly I'm loving the inactivity. We train for a few hours each day and then have the rest of the day to relax, it's like we're still on vacation."

Wally: "Have you heard from (Y/n) yet?"

Zatanna: "No, I was hoping he'd be back by now..."

Raquel: "I'm sure he's alright. He's got the entire agency backing him up."

Zatanna: "I hope you're right."

Batman's voice cut in and echoed throughout the hallway stopping us in our tracks.

Batman: "Team, report for briefing."

The entire team was lined up in the main training area. Batman was talking about the League of Shadows member who infiltrated the Cave and possible clients and what they could have gained from using the fear toxin on us.

To tell the truth I was barely paying any attention. My gaze was focused on the zeta tubes behind him, waiting for them to activate and (Y/n) to walk through.

Suddenly ISAC's voice cut off Batman as he was talking. I had no idea (Y/n) uploaded ISAC into the Cave computer system. If he did mention it I completely forgot about it.

ISAC: "Emergency override, authorization Vanguard. Welcome Alani Kelso."

The zeta tube activated and Kelso emerged. We turned her attention to her and Batman asked the question that was on most of our minds.

Batman: "How did it go and where's (Y/n)?"

Kelso: "Terrible, computer national news."

Cat Grant appeared on screen standing in front of a burning mansion with fire crews surrounding it attempting to put out the massive building fire before them.

Cat: "We're here in front of the Secretary of State's home. It is believed that both Tyler Whitman and his wife Catherine Whitman were home at the time the blaze started. Government officials are shocked at this surprising turn of events and have sent their condolences to the Whitman family."

Kelso: "The official cause of the fire will be a gas leak caused by home renovations in the basement. In reality I ordered an airstrike on the building. ISAC, play my helmet cam footage on screen."

What I watched for the next three minutes got increasingly horrifying as it went on. We heard everything that transpired, Whitman freaking out about the Court of Owls, whatever they are, and then the alarm system. We watched Kelso and (Y/n) run to the bedroom and come face to face with six of the assassins we fought on the mountain. (Y/n) fought to get them to the bed and get to Catherine and that's when it happened.

(Y/n): "Sir, get away from-"


(Y/n)'s helmet feed cut out and Kelso's head turned and at the corner of the screen. I watched (Y/n) fall face first off the bed and drop his rifle. My heart stopped and I zoned out for the rest of the recording.

Kelso noticed me panicking and paused the footage.

Kelso: "He's at Washington general. He lost a lot of blood. It... it isn't good. The plate caught the bullet but shattered on impact and a small piece of the plate made a rather large cut into his back."

She played the recording and I watched bullets fly into the bedroom and hit the assassins. Kelso grabbed Whitman and ran out to the balcony the second the bullets stopped. Three more agents were on the balcony, the same agents from the Eclipse but I don't know their names. They went into the bedroom and grabbed (Y/n). They dragged him out while firing at the assassins. Screams could be heard from the bedroom as the assassins made short work of the guards that burst into the bedroom to protect the Whitman's.

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