"Fine, I guess" I shrugged not knowing how to answer.

"You guess? Ok let's cut the crap and tell me what's making you this depressed" she raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"I..uhm..pregnant" I looked into her eyes and she was totally surprised.

"Well congratulations" she hugged me and it was the tears started to flow.

"Why aren't you like bat shit crazy about it?" She was confused

So I decided to tell it all to her. From having the baby of my bestfriend's boyfriend to Mason needing a space in our relationship. She really was a listener, she didn't not once interrupted me and only nodded and asked information about who's who.

"What the fuck! That's more complicated than I thought" she was clutching her heart.

"Sucks right?" I asked throwing a stick in the fire and watched it like it amazed me.

"So what do you want to do now?" She asked me with sympathy in her eyes.

"I don't know, I'm freaking lost and alone" I started to cry, remembering all the scene with Mason and our confrontation and Macy clasp my hand with hers.

"Shh..you're not alone. Remember this bitch here?" She was pointing to herself like I forgot about her.

"I know but I want Mason to be here beside me, be with me with every morning sickness, cravings and appointments. I want him so bad that it hurts when he's not around" I was sobbing really hard.

"I know that it is too much to ask but I love him and I don't feel anything for Landon. I regret sleeping with him now, I should have waited and Mason should have been this baby's daddy" I was engulfed into a hug, Macy was smoothing my hair for comfort.

"I love him so much Mace, he's my everything. I know we've been only for a short time but I'm so sure of it not even an ounce of doubt was there when I said I love him. Now He's not coming back to me and I know he's not going to listen to what I'm going to say because he hates me for betraying him" I wailed along the crashing waves of the sea.

"Honey, he doesn't hate you, he loves you" she said in a motherly tone.

"If he loves me, why did he leave me?" I asked really confused.

"He's just shocked over the news and I think its best to have some time off to sort out your feelings and issues. If the time comes that your are both ready, talk it out and then decide if you both want to have an us or not. If he can't be with you on this, you can move here in Miami and start a new life. Martin and I will help you with every step in every way" she squeezed me lightly and it gave me an assurance.

"Thank you so much, I don't know what will I do if you are not here by my side" I wiped my tears away and hugged her back.

"Thick and thin Nini, I'm here so don't think that you are alone" She said and my worries were lifted away from my heart.

"Let's go back, I think the husband is at home now" we both stood up and walked back to the house.

When we arrived back, we were greeted by Martin and the kids on the dinning room.

"Nini! Nice to see you" he gave me a bear hug.

"Oh my! You're getting fat Mart" I joked and he gave me a satisfied smile and a pat in his belly.

"If you always get home to a delicious home cooked meals and dessert" he said emphasizing the last word which mean the sexual term for it.

"Ew. Too much information" I grimaced and he laughed really hard earning a smack on the arm from Macy.

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