Chapter 10: New Characters Unlocked: Gon and Alluka!

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"Yeahhh, there's no point in me listening. I guess she got her smarts from Killua" he mumbled to himself. 'If we really are in a different world, then how did Killua even get here? I know Alluka said a hold appeared below him a disappeared as soon as he fell through but i it was nen then surely Killua would've sensed it... right?'

"Well, firstly we're going to have to- Gon were you even listening?" Alluka looked over with an unamused expression as Gon quickly snapped out of his thoughts. 

He rubbed the back of his neck while grinning awkwardly"Ehehe... would you mind going over everything one more time?" 


After Alluka had gone over everything with Gon (Ha get it?) they began to walk around the city acting like they belonged there, which Gon failed at miserably to say the least. 

Using certain skills she had been taught by Killua, she quickly began pick-pocketing anyone who walked close to her going completely unnoticed with the use on zetsu, All the while Gon had to act like he didn't know what was happening and try not to look at her. 'She's really good at this.. i wish i could help somehow' The boy thought to himself, having his eyes locked to the tall looking buildings off to his right. 'If i get any free time, i'm totally jumping off of that' he giggled to himself imagining how fun it could be.

He was then tapped on the shoulder "Gon, follow me." Alluka said, quickly running into another alley. Gon did as told and went into the darkness with her, leaning against the wall when they were far enough in. "Okay, so i've got a phone and quite alot of money.. atleast i think. Hopefully it's atleast enough to get us a place to stay for a while." The girl said "I've got to say, i'm having way more fun now i can do what i want. Big brother never let me do anything like this myself!" 

"I don't really like the idea of stealing, but well done Alluka. You did great!" Gon congratulated her. 'I wish i could pay them all back but... i have to find Killua no matter what' The boy thought, hoping that it would come sooner rather than later.

He watched as Alluka began clicking away at the phone after a slight pause she passed the phone to Gon "Hey, look at this!" The boy looked down at the screen and saw a map that looked completely different to the one he was used to. " We are definitely in a different world, i'm lucky there was a map icon or i wouldn't have known how to find it. We are probably going to have to learn this language quick if we want to get anywhere." Alluka told the boy whilst grabbing the phone back.

"Alright then, lets go learn us a language!" Gon exclaimed as he walked out of the alley and turned left.

"Wrong way"

"I knew that!"


"Thank god its spoken the same, or we'd be done for!" Gon said in relief as the left the library. "That took so long, It's getting dark already!" The boy said to Alluka.

"Well if you hadn't pushed over a bookshelf just because you saw a book with a frog on it, maybe we'd be out sooner" The young girl said, eyes still directed to the book she was attempting to read.

"Hey! That was an accident and you know it!" Gon retaliated, sticking his tongue out childishly. "Plus, can you really blame me? That frog was so cute!" He said hugging said book to his chest.

" Judging by how much that book had cost, we have plenty of money, now its just up to whether we can find somewhere..." Alluka said, ignoring the person next to her. "Okay, thank goodness. If i'm correct, there's an Inn just a few streets away from us." She pointed straight ahead. "We might want to pick up some food though, just so we don't have to look for big brother on an empty stomach tomorrow. Also we might want to get some new clothes.." 

A New Beginning (HxH X MHA)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ