I Trusted You

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This one is pretty short, sry.

You never thought you'd be in this situation. Questioning your past decisions, regretting words you've said, having second thoughts about promises made...

Why had things come to this? Had you really just been blind this whole time?

You must've been. Cause you never would've seen this coming. Never, in a million years, did you think you would see the day when the one person who you trusted the most in the world, betrayed you.

After so many years of knowing him, you thought he was different. You thought you knew him.

But apparently, you were wrong.

Because the person standing in front of you now, was a complete stranger.

Your pleading eyes bore into his, as his expression remained completely neutral. Not even seeing the emotional pain you were in, which he was the cause of.

The air around you felt so thin, like there was barely even enough to breath. You felt like you could suffocate at any second, between the lack of oxygen and the feeling of your chest tightening.

"Peter, please," You choked out. "Don't do this."

He turned away from you, his expression not changing the slightest bit. "You know I have to." He said.

You took a step towards him, eyes begging him to change his mind. "No, you don't! You know that you don't!"

"I'm sorry."

He held his phone up to his ear, pausing for a moment as the voice on the other side spoke.

"Pizza Hut! What can we make for you?"

"One large, Hawaiian pizza, please." He said.

You fell to your knees, throwing your head back as you yelled, "Whhhhyyyyyy?!?!"

He just looked at you, cracking an amused smile. "C'mon (y/n), Hawaiian pizza is not that bad."

You glared at him, almost feeling like you might cry. "I trusted you. How could you?" You crumbled to the floor in agony.

Peter rolled his eyes.

"Always so dramatic."

Spider-Man/Peter Parker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now