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"I'm so bored."

"Do you want me to tell you a joke?"

Peter looked at you uncertainly after you said this.

"Um, I don't know.... Your sense of humor is a little...." He trailed off.

You just raised an eyebrow and looked at him expectantly.

He smiled a little as he slowly said, "Dark?"

"Is that bad?" You asked, sounding insecure.

He waved his hands in front of him while shaking his head quickly.

"No no, it's not! There's nothing wrong with it! I mean, knowing who your dad is, I can understand why!"

You simply nodded.

You were aware that you were, different. Being the daughter of Loki, that was to be expected.

Your father had always had a very dark sense of humor, and everything else. And you'd kind of picked it up. Even though, until meeting Peter, you didn't really notice.

He was very.... innocent.

He believes that hurting people for fun isn't..... funny.

Honestly, meeting him changed you a bit. He's a very good person and cares about others, probably more than he cares about himself.

Before, you were much like your father. Violent, loved playing pranks, found other people's pain funny....

Well, the last one hadn't changed a lot. You didn't laugh everytime someone got hurt now, but you silently found it amusing.

And as Peter already stated, you still had a dark sense of humor.

But, you were trying to be a good person now. So, no one can say you hadn't put in an effort.

You looked down quietly and just stared at the floor.

Then your head snapped up at the sound of Peter's voice.

"Um, you can tell me a joke if you want." He said, smiling slightly.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded.

You thought for a second, then said, "If you give a man an airline ticket, he'll fly for a day. But if you push him out of a plane at three thousand feet, he'll fly for the rest of his life." You snorted out a laugh at the end, but didn't smile.

You looked over at Peter, who was smiling supportively. You could tell what he meant now, though.

So, you looked down, and tried to think of something, less dark.

You racked your brain, for every joke you've ever heard.

Then your head shot up as you thought of one.

You looked at Peter seriously, and said, "Why did the two elephants get kicked off of the beach?"

He still looked uncertain, probably expecting you to say something about one of the elephants stepping on someone, but said, "Why?"

You kept your eyes focused on him as you said, "Because they only had one pair of trunks."

Peter stared at you for a minute, looking shocked.

You started to worry that, that joke was somehow dark too and you hadn't noticed.

Then, Peter burst out laughing.

He had never actually laughed at one of your jokes before, and just seeing the reaction you were hoping for made you smile.

"Th-that was really good!" Peter said, getting his laughter under control.

He looked up at you, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Your's followed as you started worrying what had happened.

He just stared, not saying anything. After a few moments, you said, "What?"

He continued looking at you with a deer in the headlights look, and said, "You smiled."

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"I smile all the time."

He just shook his head.

"No, I mean, like a real smile. I've never seen you actually, smile. It's usually more like a smirk."

You nodded slowly in understanding, then furrowed your eyebrows again.

"Did it look bad?"

He shook his head frantically.

"No no, it- it looked, nice. You look nice." He said with total sincerity and a smile of his own.

His smile lit up even more, and you realized that it was happening again.

"This feels weird. Does this just happen on it's own?" You asked, earning a laugh from Peter.

"Yeah. It happens when you're happy."

You felt your smile grow a bit.

"I kinda like it."

Spider-Man/Peter Parker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now