Spider-Man Kiss

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You, were definitely prone to bad luck. You didn't know why, you just were.

It just seemed to follow you everywhere you went, always waiting to jump out at you at the worst possible time.

It sucked.

But, thankfully, you have your best friend Peter Parker. He's sweet and funny, and can usually make you forget about your bad luck curse.


But not now. No, because now, he was part of it.

How is that you ask?

Well, of coarse you being you, and hanging around this adorable dork for the majority of your life, caused you to develop feeling for him.

Yep, that's right. The old cliche, fall in love with your best friend thing.

Now, why is this bad luck?

Because now, you were dying inside. And you were dying, because you knew that he didn't feel that way about you. Nope. Not a chance.

Because he already liked someone else.


Liz Allen. That's who.

Yep, Peter fell for smart, beautiful, talented, amazing, perfect, Liz.

And you knew that you were no where near as perfect as her. Not by a long shot as far as you were concerned.

So, naturally, you tried to just ignore your feelings.

Yeah, easier said than done, when your crush, is also your best friend. Which means that you guys hang out. All. The. Time.

You study together, you walk home from school together, you watch movies and play video games together.... everything.

So, it makes it a little more difficult.

But, luckily, you don't have to keep everything pent up inside. You have someone to talk to.


Yep. New York's web-slinging hero was a pretty good friend of yours.

You'd met him after he saved you from being hit by a car.

Let's just say, you were in a bad mood, weren't looking where you were going, and didn't see it coming until it almost killed you.

Then Spider-Man swung in and saved you. Then you felt like a five year old when he sort of lectured you about being careful around the road.

But anyway, you did'nt think you'd see him again after that, but one night you were outside, chillin on your fire escape, when he decided to pay you a visit.

Then after that, he kept visiting, usually twice a week. Not that you cared, you enjoyed the company.

He's also saved you many other times, but we're not gonna talk about that right now.

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