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You sat in your ususal spot, in the back corner of the classroom, with a blank expression on your face.

All during class you've been sitting there watching Peter and Michelle. They were sitting a couple of rows infront of you, and had been quietly talking and laughing to one another throughout class.

Throughout the whole day really. And, also every day before. It really surprised you that none of the teachers had heard them.

It was really starting to get irritating. Them constantly being in each other's company like they were literally attached at the hip, and all the inside jokes that they shared now. If you heard the phrase, 'You just had to be there.' one more time, you might actually explode.

It just seems like so much has changed in the past few months.

Before, it was you, Ned and Peter. That small group of almost outcasts who had to stick together. You guys, especially you and Peter, were basically inseperable. You always studied and did homework together, hung out in your free time and watched Star Wars and just did random stupid stuff, you were all the best of friends.

But now? Peter has been spending all of his free time with Michelle.

They sit next to each other in class and at lunch, they study and do homework together, they hang out after school and on the weekends...

And it all started with the school trip to Europe.

Unfortunately, you had gotten sick that week and couldn't go. You remember Peter being totally bummed, saying that it wouldn't be any fun without you.

Well, apparently Michelle, or MJ, as he now called her, had filled the gap just fine. Because ever since that trip, it's like he had replaced you with her.

Just sitting there watching them and thinking of all of this made your blank expression turn into a glare.

You just couldn't believe him. You've been friends for years, then he spends a week with her, and it's like you never existed.

Your hand unconsiously formed a fist as you glared holes in the back of their heads, until you felt a hand on your arm.

You looked over to the side to see Ned with a sympathetic smile, saying with his eyes that it would be alright.

At least he hadn't ditched you. He's too good of a person to do something like that.

You took a deep breath and unclenched your fist, then shot him the best smile you could muster.

Only a second later the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

You stood up and grabbed the few books you had with you before walking alongside Ned to the front of the class, casting a glance at Peter and Michelle as you walked past them while they continued to talk.

As you walked out of the classroom and towards your locker with Ned, you muttered, "Unbelievable."

You reached your locker and put in the code while Ned did the same while responding with, "I know. He hasn't even bothered to say hi today."

You knew this was tearing him up as much as it was you, since Peter was one of his first friends here.

"He didn't yesterday either." You stated in monotone and Ned nodded.

Spider-Man/Peter Parker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now