12 -Family- EDITED

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(Damon's POV)

I propped the phone up against a book, so it was in view of my face, even as I was working. Every so often taking a break so I could study his face, small puffs of air leaving his lips in a soothing melody. It went on like this for a few hours, me working silently at my desk and him sleeping dreamily. I probably should've ended the call when he dozed off, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a door opening and the rustle of blankets. Without looking at my phone, I spoke, "Sweetheart? Are you awake?" After I finished the sentence I turned my head towards the screen, only to see that James hadn't moved a bit. The screen was probably just frozen, but then I heard an ear-splitting scream.

"James?" I tried to keep my voice calm, "Are you okay? What happened?" I asked, abandoning my work completely.

Then a clearly female voice spoke, even though James' voice is feminine, you could clearly tell. "James, James, James, who's that, what." I looked towards the screen only to see a female that looked remarkably similar to James trying to frantically shake him awake.

My gaze instantly softened as I remembered her face from the charity event; Olivia Windsor, James' sister.

"Olivia?" I called, turning my face so she could see it, even as I was kind of ashamed of my rugged hair and    tired eyes.

"Huh?! What in the world," Her eyes darted around the room before finally finding me, the source of the sound. "Jesus fucking christ. Of course it's you." She sighed, shoulders relaxing.

I chuckled, amused with the situation.

Even though she seemed to remember me, she continued to try and wake James, although he clearly was content with staying asleep. Then, there was the sound of the door opening again, next thing I knew, the king waltzed in. A breath caught in my throat, I've always known that he's the heir prince, but it just seemed all the more real now. James isn't just a prince to me, most of that doesn't even register in my mind, to me he's just Alverie, my soon-to-be little, but this just seemed to remind me that he really is a prince, the heir prince.

His voice was low and gruff, almost rough, "Oli? Why did you scream?" He ran a hand through his hair, the bags under his eyes prominent. I admired him, even in his sleep riddled state and horn-rimmed glasses, he looked like a James Bond actor that slipped and fell into royalty.

"Sorry dad, it just seems that Jamie is keeping a secret boyfriend from us," She smirked and nodded towards me, clearly smug at the fact that she 'caught' us.

As soon as he realised, a smile broke out onto his face. "Mr. Fiore." He greeted, a small chuckle leaving his lips when he finished my name, probably remembering me from all the charity events. The more I thought of it, the more weird the whole situation seemed, that had to have been one of the first charity events he'd been to in a long time.

I nodded to him.

Olivia continued shaking James until he started grumbling a low "Fuck you," and he rolled over, taking the phone with him as he put the covers over himself, snuggling back into the sheets to get comfortable.

I opened my mouth, about to reprimand him, but I thought better of it, probably wouldn't be the best to embarrass him in front of both his sister and father. I need brownie points for when I ask him to be my boyfriend.

"Go away, swine" James grumbled, sleep evident in his voice.

"You little fucker, you dare call me that, but you won't even tell me that you have a boyfriend?" Olivia muttered.

James let out a breathy laugh, "I wish."

"Yeah, you wish-" She paused before thinking for a second. "What's your name?" Olivia seemed to be talking to me so I responded.

"Damon Fiore." I chuckled, filling in the gaps.

She continued, "You wish Damon here was your boyfriend, don't think I didn't see you making heart eyes at him AND going into the bathroom with him for a good 15 minutes." She giggled, impressed with herself.

James shot up, blush clear on his cheeks and eyes wide with surprise as he looked at her. "Shush." James turned back around, huddling under the covers.

James dad turned to Olivia, "15 minutes?" He muttered, surprised. He even took off his glasses, wiping them off on his shirt, before putting them back on.

She just nodded back at him, "15 whole fucking minutes."

I laughed, "15 whole fucking minutes, yes, Olivia."

"See! Even he admits it!"

I let their minds wander, we didn't actually do anything in there, the worst thing we did was hug.

"Damonnnn, stop talking, if you ignore her, she'll eventually go away," He groaned, turning around again.

"Asshole!" Olivia called, "But you're not denying that you took it up the ass from Damon," She giggled, seeming far too happy with herself.


All at the same time, James dad, Olivia, and I all snorted, amusement clear in the action.

I laughed, tears coming to my eyes, "You? A top? Never."

"I hate all of you." James blushed.

"Sorryyyy," Olivia spoke. "Think about it like this, Damon is hot, you're cute, Damon is like 7 ft, you're like 5'2, you just could never be top."

"I'm 6'8, not 7 ft."

"Same thing, you fucking titan."

I chuckled.

"Dadddd, you're talllll, why couldn't you make me tall?" James drew out the endings of some of the words. I watched the exchange, entranced by the way they spoke like I wasn't even there. "Also, you assholes, way to give into stereotypes."

"Sorry, James," I could hear the smile in his voice, clearly happy to see his son look better.

I started laughing and a large smile broke out on my face, I hadn't laughed this much in years. Which is why when James's dad heard the sound, looking towards the phone, his eyes widened in surprise and a knowing smirk appeared on his lips, a sight to see on the king of England.

No one in this business world had even seen me smile, but here I was smiling and laughing with the prince, princess, and king of England. I was known to be stone cold, practically emotionless, Alverie doesn't even know that, and I don't ever want him to. I want to shield him from the world, from everything that's wrong with it, and everything that's wrong with me.

(James POV)

My cheeks burned with embarrassment at the scene that was playing out before me. My sister ushered my dad out of the room, to, and I quote, "Give them some privacy," sadly I had to deal with all her suggestive motions and eyebrow wiggles. I was surprised that Livi was even able to get my dad out of the room, I think the only reason he did was because she pulled him away with the promise of gossiping and squealing together during breakfast the following morning; And my dear ol' dad being the gossip that he is, made her follow up on that promise; The squealing together like the little fan-girls that they are was... A sight, for lack of better words. Out of the two, you would never expect my father to be the gossiping type, but I had come to realise over the years that sometimes things happened that you least expected to, me and Damon was just one of the very many prime examples.

"James," His voice was low and husky, far deeper than it had been moments before. I thought something different was going to follow, mainly because of his deep tone, but much to my disappointment and relief, he muttered, "Go back to sleep, I'll be here."

Slowly enough, I huddled myself back under the covers, managing to plug in my phone next to my head, and welcoming the darkness that met my eyes when I closed them.

The only reason I was able to sleep that night was because the promise of him being there in the morning, waiting.

Sorry this was short, most of it was written on my phone.

As always, grammar nazi's are welcomed!

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