Wen Kexing held his lover dearly, raining kisses after kisses on his body until a vivid painting of scattered plum blossoms was drawn all across that pale complexion. He spread the other's legs apart. Taking hold of a certain member between his lover's thigh, he began to stroke said member while at the same time accelerating his pace, sending his own heat to violate the deepest part of the beauty lying beneath him.

The beauty nearly cried out from the pleasure.

"L...Lao Wen–"

"Mn. I'm here, A-Shu," he said, caressing the other's face tenderly, "There's no need to hold back. I'm also close."

Zhou Zishu bit his lips and threw his head back. Tears were dripping down his eyes, bullets of sweat trickling from his temple. The more he tried to hold back, the more his moans were leaking and he so desperately struggled to muffle himself, pressing his arm to his mouth.

But Wen Kexing removed that arm, in its place replacing the seal with his own lips. Their kiss was fervent and unbridled; although their hug was momentarily torn apart before, it did not take long for Zhou Zishu to cling onto him again, and Wen Kexing embraced his lover so close they were about to melt together. The bed creaked as their movements grew more intense, the peak of pleasure evidently no longer so far off.

It was then that Zhou Zishu's body curved into an arc, and at the same time Wen Kexing thrust his hips forward to plant his seeds deeply inside. Their climax lasted for a long time, neither seemed to be willing to separate. By the time their kiss ended, both were panting and wheezing, but there was a trace of smile shared between the two, tender and delicate.

The more one was forbidden from the act, the more one wished to engage in it. Such was the nature of human beings, and these two were not exempt from its grasp. No matter how taut their determination was, no matter how rigidly they carried themselves, once their hearts were drawn to one another, all thoughts and reasons crumbled into dust. They had since abandoned their fears and worries, wanting for nothing more than to spend the rest of their lives together.

How unfortunate it was that they were bound by both duty and curse, as even a mere rendezvous to see one another could only be done in absolute secret.

The lone candle flickered and eventually died down. In the room now swallowed by darkness, the two lovers remained embracing each other, hands joined under the quilt. For what almost felt like an eternity, they only lied side by side in silence, but neither wished to fall asleep. Of all people, the two of them must understand it the most.

They were allowed just a short time to spend together. When the sun rose in the morning, it would be time for them to part again.

"Are you going back to the capital tomorrow, A-Shu?" Wen Kexing asked in a soft voice, brushing the stray hair from his lover's face to the back of his ear.

Zhou Zishu gave him a small nod.

"We've accomplished our mission in this area. I should report back to His Majesty at once," he said.

"To think that my A-Shu still thinks of me even when carrying out an imperial assignment... This humble one is truly delighted, even if we could only meet for one night."

"That mouth of yours can really speak some incorrigible nonsense. When have I ever not thought of you?"

As he said this, Zhou Zishu pinched the other's cheek while admonishing him. Wen Kexing caught his hand, then he planted a kiss on the joints of his fingers.

"Yes... My A-Shu is the most thoughtful in the world."

He played with Zhou Zishu's fingers for a while, kneading and rubbing that palm calloused from frequently holding a sword in long fights and strenuous practices. Though he said not a single word, even in this darkness Zhou Zishu could still notice a certain emotion flickering within those dark eyes, quiet like a pool.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"...Say, A-Xu..." Wen Kexing held his hand, "One day, when you are no longer the leader of Tian Chuang and I am no longer a Ghost, let's travel the world together, just the two of us."

Zhou Zishu was taken aback into muteness for a brief second. Those words sank into his heart like dew dripping in the early morning, seeping into the soil. Before he knew it, a smile bloomed on his face, and he closed his eyes, nodding in agreement.

"Mn. Let's do that."


The Four Seasons Manor stood amidst the snow. In the courtyard, a cluster of plum blossoms was just beginning to flourish, painting the gloomy residence in its soft and delicate color.

The manor had few people residing in it. Both disciples of the sects and servants alike, their numbers had dwindled over the years, steadily going towards extinction.

Through the silent halls and corridors, the Manor Lord's chamber was engulfed in a solemn atmosphere. Zhou Zishu was the only person inside. Sitting in front of a bronze mirror, his robes were undone, revealing the finely toned body hidden within, carved from years and years of rigorous training. His handsome visage bore a grave expression, yet if one were to look closely, there was resolution emanating from his startling bright eyes.

There was a small wooden box sitting atop the desk in front of him, just beside the bronze mirror. Zhou Zishu carefully opened the box, putting away the lid as he took out the objects that had been kept inside.

It was a set of nails—seven nails—in fact, each one of them giving off a chilling pressure despite not looking any larger than a person's palm.

He took one of the nails into his hand.

"......To wander the world together with you, it would be a blessing that a sinner like me does not deserve," he muttered under his breath, "But if I could have even just a glimpse of it, no matter how brief, then I would regret nothing even if I have to pay for it with my life."

With that said, he looked straight into his reflection in the mirror. Raising his hand, in one swift movement, he jabbed the nail into his body, driving the sharp point into his flesh until it was buried beneath his skin.


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