Death Cannot Be Escaped (68)

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When I finally reached the bunker, I lifted a painting from the wall outside and hid the folder. I lowered the painting and re-centered it so nobody would notice my hidden folder.

Now, we continue:

Leland's POV:

My 5 minutes are up. It's time. I guess it's been long enough.

I entered the code of the door and began to twist open the lock. The heavy door slowly opened.

Y/N looked up at me, tears in their eyes. Their hands tied behind their back.

"Good day, Master Y/N. The weather is beautiful today. It's a shame you are missing it."

"Leland? Why are you here?"

"To help you, of course. Wipe your tears, now. King Simeon has left the palace in search of Leander."

Y/N struggled to bring themself to their feet, only to fall back down. I pressed my hand on their shoulder and kneeled behind them to untie their hands.

"Thank you, Leland." They lowered their head as if it would help me untie them.

I released their bounds and helped the young Master to their feet.

"Now, you'd better run off. There is a boat on the shore in the Southern Region for you. Do not chase King Simeon, no matter what your heart tells you. The best thing is to head Eastward until you reach the shore. Autumnia awaits."

"Autumnia? Why can't I find Simeon?"

"He is not himself. Now go, and take my warning."

"What do you mean he isn't himself?"

"Do not fret. I will help him. You are part of this, as well. Autumnia is the best place for you to be in order to help King Simeon. Now go!"

Y/N sheepishly turned away from me and ran down the halls. I know they will get lost. That should buy me enough time to make my get away.

Simeon's POV:

Leander won't stop screaming and crying. He's so strange.

"Are you sure about this, Sire?" a crew mate of the ship asked me.

"Sure about what? Getting rid of Leander? Of course I am! My spouse hates him, do they not?"

"Help!" Leander let out a shriveled scream. He's going to start rocking the ship if we let him continue this.

"It's not my problem if he dies. It's only my benefit." I stabbed the crew mate with my finger.

"Yes, your highness. I was only concerned for him."

"Your concern disgusts me. Go!"

The crew mate ran deeper under the deck.

I pushed my hair back and climbed the stairs so I was above deck. Leader is tied to the masts.

I came closer to him and untied his bounds. Weaponless and a broken man, he fell to the ground and dragged himself away.

"Sire! Mercy me! I haven't a clue what I could have done to the throne!"

I pressed my boot on his chest and pushed him into the ground. As I lowered myself, Leander seemed to sweat even more.

"You will stay above deck as we approach shore. If you make one wrong move, you'll be killed either by me or by my enemy. I don't know why they hate you, but an enemy of my spouse is an enemy of the crown."

"Y/N? What do they-" Leader's face lit up. He remembers something.

I slapped him across the face and brought myself to my feet. What did he do to them? "You deserve death. Let this conversation be your last! Die in vain!"

I looked over the horizon. The shore is coming into view. They'll spot me soon.

I turned away and marched under the deck. I locked the door behind me.

I climbed into the escape boat with the rest of the crew, and we let the ship float to shore as we made our escape.

Philip's POV:

A ship is approaching. It looks like something from my kingdom. If I can get to it, I might be able to hide away until it leaves.

I just need to get into the docks. Depending on how many people are heading on, I may be able to sneak in with them. Or I can find a cargo ship and hide in a crate.

The thing is, I need to know where they're heading. If they're headed to another Summarian dock, I'm fucked. But if it's another country, I'm saved.

A single figure is on board, wearing the same robes of a Council Member. Distinct short blonde hair, tall and lanky. Is that Leander?

Without a moment of hesitation, the guards shot.

Nevermind. I guess I'm not going to be leaving soon at all.

Raphael's POV:

I marched out of my guest room and made my way to the throne room. The Queen sat in her throne, awaiting me.

"You called?" she asked.

"Your majesty, I am afraid I must leave. Your hospitality has been greatly appreciated, but to defeat my former King, I must be headed out."

Queen Lillian nodded understandingly. "Then take one of my ships. Where are you headed?"

"Autumnia. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to request your help. Prince Phillip is here, he came with me, and I'd like to keep him alive. He may be vital for me escaping. I doubt he's dead."

"I'll send a search party."

"Thank you,your highness. I'll leave once we've reunited. If he's not found by the end of the week, I'll leave alone."

"Thank you, Raphael. For everything."

I stood up straight and left the room.

Even if I leave without him, that may work in my favor. He would've been a great test dummy for ending this, but test dummies are made to be expendable. All I have to worry about is leaving with my head.

Whether that's possible or not, I don't know. I don't even know if Y/N will make it out alive.

I can't let Y/N die. That's why I have to do this. So they can live without fear.

Isn't that the least I can do for them to prove my love?

I'm genuinely so happy that some of you come back for every chapter as I update. It makes me so happy. I know schedules can be tough and it's a lot of words to read every day, but I'm genuinely thankful.

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