Chapter Nine: Looming Inevitability

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"Okay," she said after thinking for a short while. "When are we leaving?" She stood calmly, rain running down the lenses of her glasses. She took them off, picked a wet lock of hair from her face and put it behind her ear and looked at him inquisitively.

"As soon as you are ready." That's all that he had said before he left her under the short margin of the building's roof, where she was half protected from the pouring.

The next hour found her rummaging through her closet for attire meant to wear in presence of a king, at the arm of a king, to be more exact and after what felt like an eternity she chose the appropriate clothes and threw the garments in a bag that was placed on her bed. Added some more things such as toiletries, some holocrystals and a notebook.


"That's all?" Mon el of Daxam said from the curve of the street. He wore the same outfit he did before. His glasses were hidden between strands of dark hair and the collar of his brown coat was up, giving him the aura of a leader of a company. Kara held a duffel bag with one hand and on her other shoulder hung a messenger bag filled with crystals of different kinds.

"You said we're back on Sunday. I don't think I need more," she answered and waited for him to do the next move. So, they continued to stay in the chilly night, under the lamposts on the concrete. Kara looked at him for a short while before she chose to study the scenery surrounding her, a usual one for her, after the years spent in the capital.

Mon-El thought about the list he held in his breast pocket. The clear timeline his publicists made for their relationship. He knew what was next on the list now that the world finally found out about their 'relationship' and he had a box in the front of his travel bag just for that.

He finally found the courage to shorten the distance and take the bag out of her hand. Their fingers touched for a millisecond and a zip of electricity tickled him suddenly.

"What are you? Electric woman?" he half-joked as he turned his back to her and walked to their car and placed her luggage in the trunk.

Kara just released a small laugh in reply and with confidence and great interest she got to the backseat door of the car, but she was soon stopped by a pale hand that held on one finger a big ruby diamond ring.

"You stay in the passenger seat," he said and guided her to the destined place.

"Why are you driving?" she asked right before he could close the door.

"Because I have the driving licence? Not using it might seem like that hard work is going to waste." he shrugged, closed the door, circled the car and took his preferred place in the black foreign vehicle.

The car was as vintage as you can get on such a planet as Krypton. No manual shifter, no dangling chains from the rearview mirror could be seen. That car was for sure rented. The leather covering the seats smelled good compared to some other new cars Kara had been into. It was indeed older than she could think would be possible on this planet.

The soft hum of the engine brought her back to the present and watched the king beside her take the almost empty roads of Kandor City.


Hours spent inside a small place were spent in silence. She fell asleep at some point, sometimes she was spending her time reading through her school books and some other times she was playing with the stereo in the centre console. Her messing with the device got various complaints from the driver about not choosing a single frequency and sticking to it.

But everything was just boring, the same ten songs from the same ten artists were played on every one of them. So she just decided to turn it off and enjoy the world as it was. A moment of silence before the madness of the city welcomed them again.

She didn't say anything else, she just looked at the sad nature passing by. And neither did the man beside her.

Mon-El's head was filled with questions about the looming inevitability that was their relationship. He didn't know what to do, he had a list of things that he had to achieve, but the simple man inside of him wanted more, wanted peace. That man didn't know if the marriage that was needed from them would work.

He looked at the blonde woman beside him. She was fierce, loud spoken, but quiet. She knew the etiquette that was needed in a life like his, she was born into it. But would she be supporting his choices?

He wanted to change a world, would he be able to do that?

He just decided that those thoughts were too early. It wasn't the moment for them to be here, they weren't meant for a day like this, a big day like this.

The brightening lights of Kryptonopolis slowly appeared over the horizon. The dome that covered the city was shimmering under the soft light of the sunset.

And Mon-El had no other choice but to accept the inevitability of bad moments and what life decided to hit him with.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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