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Vi's pov:

"Shit you drunk Bug?"

"Yea nah".

"You sure? The empty bottle in your hand says otherwise?"

"Shh, don't tell him I told you, BUT it actually belongs to that guy over there". Y/n slurred pointing clumsily to a random man on the other side of the bar, attempting to cover up for herself. You sighed and approached her placing a hand on her waist to stop her from swaying. Two of your fingers accidentally getting stuck on the bottom hem of her shirt lifting it up slightly.

"Woah slow down I wanna wait till marriage". Y/n giggled loosing her balance. How'd it get to this? You'd left y/n alone in the bar for a total of 20 minutes, and she'd managed to down a whole bottle of whatever the fuck it was she had consumed. You were worried about her but y/n seemed to be on cloud nine, having won cash from kids slightly older who'd egged her on to chug the bottle.

"I can't leave you alone for a second can I?" You muttered trying to stabilise her wobbly frame, while she was still rambling on about marriage. "You know Vi I reckon I'd pull off a pink dress well, whites so boring". You didn't reply, and plucked the bottle out of her hand placing it on the counter. "And the cake would be pink of course". 

You returned to y/n placing your hand around her waist again guiding her towards the stairs leading to the rooms beneath the bar. "Massive brain wave Vi... We should get married, cos I mean your like the only person who I wanna, y'know, 'do it' with". She said excitedly doing small jazz hands. You halted, blushing strongly, trying to collect yourself. Y/n must've noticed because she snorted.

"Imagine you in a dress! No a suit!"  She exclaimed. You shook your head recovering and chuckled. "You wouldn't catch me wearing a suit, not in a million years", "But you'd look so hot". She said almost dreamily, leaning against you. Y/n suddenly stopped just before you reached the stair well twisting sharply forcing you to face her. She suddenly became serious, staring at you through her lashes.

"I was wrong your hot already, suit or no suit". She paused and nodded as if approving her comment. You just stood there mouth agape, your jaw practically on the floor. Y/n began humming to the music that was playing on the jukebox that leant against the wall as if she'd said nothing. 

She edged away from you, and the stairs, heading back towards the middle of the bar which had few people left, leaving the space basically empty. Y/n swung her hips to the music twirling around her eyes closed, a goofy smile decorating her lips. You couldn't help but smile as you watched her, she was so beautiful and care free. And then it struck you.

Am I in love?

Y/n must've noticed you ogling at her and she sashayed over, her hips still moving with the beat of the music. Her hands wrapped around your wrists, and before you could protest, you found yourself in the middle of the room. Y/n pulled the two of you around in circles, throwing her head back and laughing while you tried to keep your balance.

"Cmon Vi dance". She encouraged bopping your hip with her own. You grinned at her, taking one of her hands, and holding it above her head turning her in circles. Y/n stopped spinning and grabbed both your hands. She pulled you both around, guiding your two left feet, until you eventually understood how to move. You both danced around the room forgetting everything around you. All you could see was y/n, joy radiating off her. 

She was intoxicating and you couldn't help but be swept up in it all, the smile never leaving your face. The song was almost finished, and you decided to end it dramatically. Using one hand you held her lower back, and placed the other under her thigh. Y/n responded how you hoped she would. She arched her spine as you tilted her backwards, her hair brushing the floor. You leaned closer intending to kiss her.

𝐁𝐮𝐠 • 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now