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Your pov:

"Fucking kill me". You muttered still half asleep. Your head was throbbing and your eyes stung, you could already feel the bags forming beneath them. An arm was wrapped around your waist, and tucked slightly under your shirt, warms finger tips brushing against your bare skin. There was a soft chuckle, and you looked towards the sound. Your eyes met Vi's piercing blue ones. She gazed at you with nothing but love, and you couldn't help but stare back at her.

"Were you watching me sleep?" You hummed. "Couldn't help myself". She replied grinning. "Creep". You snorted. "Gorgeous". She replied softly. "Made a new friend by the looks of it?" Vi suggested with a smile. "Hm?"

Vi gestured towards Caitlyn, and the hand that was tucked underneath your shirt. You hummed a reply, moving your own hand underneath your clothing, and resting it on top of Caitlyn's, caressing her knuckles. She buried her face into your hair, tightening the grip around your waist.

"She's so kind". You mumbled. Despite clearly being from topside, it was hard not to take a liking to Caitlyn. She was immediately so kind to you, and she didn't have a reason to be. And you happened to have a thing for tall women with british accents. Vi slowly nodded in agreement, her eyes skimming over Caitlyn's frame and your own.

"Could get used to this view". She hummed. You snorted raising your eyebrows at her. "I can't believe your here, right in front of me". Vi whispered with a small sigh gazing at you. Her callused hand reached out across the mattress, cupping your cheek. She gazed at you like you weren't real, her grip stiffening on your jaw, as if scared you would disappear suddenly.

"I missed you, more then you can imagine". You replied trying to swallow the lump in your throat. You reached your own hand out towards Vi, placing it on her cheek. Your gaze skimmed her wide pupils, filled with so much love. Your eyes travelled to the adorable freckles on her nose and cheek bones. Your lips yearned to kiss every part of her face.

"You're all mine now". Vi teasted with a grin, breaking the silence. "You're so weird". You mumbled biting back a smile. You focused on Vi again, taking in her features properly for the first time in years. She'd changed, to say the least. Stronger, taller... Hotter if that was even possible. You must've been staring, because Vi had a flirty smirk decorating her lips.

"See something you like?"You blushed, looking away which was surprisingly hard to do. Yes, I do see something I like. Vi 's hair had darkened slightly, but it had stayed the same signature bright pink. She'd grown it out, with one side of her head shaved instead of both. She even had a nose ring. A tattoo of roman numerals, spelled out the word Vi. 

Another tattoo crept around the side of her neck. It looked like a gear, the rest of the tattoo continued down to her toned back and along her shoulder's, reaching her elbows. If you stare at her shoulders any longer you'll pass out y/n. "I got it done in Stillwater". She explained. Tearing her eyes from you, and turning so her back faced you.

"It's beautiful". You mumbled, reaching it out to trace the tattoo that peaked over her top. She shivered slightly as your fingers traced the ink, stopping at a portion of skin. You tugged down part of her top, revealing the start of what appeared to be an insect. You continued to pull the top down gently to see the whole thing. Your breath hitched in your throat, emotions flooding your head.

"It's a ladybug". You muttered. When Vi and you were younger, she'd always discussed getting your name tattooed or something that symbolised you. You'd recommended a ladybug, so staring at it now, years later almost broke you. "Just like when we were kids huh?" She chuckled. "It's adorable". You whispered stroking the tattoo. You couldn't see her face, but you knew Vi was smiling. She shifted so she was facing you again.

𝐁𝐮𝐠 • 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐞Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt