Chapter 33 Their explanations

Start from the beginning

"Well I guess I am last." Freddy said. "I was at the plex just like everyone else. Having fun with my family doing normal things. I was allowed to explore the place since its filled with kids, and my mom thought like who'd take a kid at a kids placed filled with adults. But my mom was wrong very much wrong. I was near the food court going to the next level to play on one of the attractions when I heard a small kid crying near a dark hallway. I had gone up to him and he ahd lost his mom so I helped him out we took most of the day looking for his mom when over the intercom they announced that they were looking for him so he had ran to the place and left me alone again. I went to go look for my mom when I couldn't find her and I went through all floors looking when I entered a employees only room. There was no one inside so I tired getting out and it wouldn't open. I stayed in there for a good while until a man came in. He had asked me why was I in there and I ran through the door. While running bumbed into some other guy where he had told me he was looking for me and dragged me into another dark room and we went through tunnels I didn't know what was going on when we entered some place which was the parts and service room. He asked me which one was my favorite out of the four band members. I chose the bear and before I knew it I was getting stabbed to death and I woke up to this." Freddy explained.

Everyone went quiet, no one spoke a word it was just pure silence. You got up and walked to the couch where the others were out and you held your hands out. They looked at you funny until Roxy was the first one to hug you then Chica, Monty, Moon, Foxy, Bonnie and Freddy. You all stayed there until Gregory, Samantha and Liam joined in too even Lucky. You guys stayed there hugging in the silence.

"It was very brave of you all to tell us this." I said and parted myself from them. "You guys didn't deserve any of that. You guys should've lived a happy life not this. Not repeating everyday of the month not repeating every month of the year. You should've have your days different from the others. But you guys went though hell because of fucking Afton." I said my anger building up by the second.

Freddy noticed your fists balling up and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"My Superstar it's alright, he's gone now. He's dead for sure he won't come back. I appreciate your concern for us, but that happened many many years ago now. And now we kinda like our lives like this. I mean yes it it boring to do the same thing from time to time but look at what this lead us too. Monty met Liam, Roxy and Chica found out they liked each other, I found you," Freddy said while caressing your face. "Sun and Moon found their own love too. We wouldn't be here together if I hadn't meet you as a robot." Freddy smiled.

You hugged him tightly and he hugged back. After everyone had gotten over the whole depressing topic you all ate and hand fun with each others company.

"Well everyone, I know we all miss hanging out with each other but it's late already so please it's nap time." Moon said and yawned.

"Ok Moon thank you for telling us." I said.

Samantha had left to go back to her house and she said she'd come back back tomorrow. Liam went to shower first and the animatronic's except Freddy left. So now it was just you and him.

"So Superstar tell me did you take any breaks while fixing us?" Freddy questioned you.

"Ehhh you can say I did I guess." I said.

"Well I heard you went to the hospital and you were in a coma for a whole month am I right?" Freddy said.

"Hehe yeaaa, I was." I laughed nervously.

"Well come on let's go upstairs then." Freddy said and held your hand.

While Freddy held your hand you felt like butterflies were in your stomach. You missed that feeling, you missed him, you missed everything.

 (Glamrock Freddy x reader) Am I Dreaming or is this Real?Where stories live. Discover now