6. 1922

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It was 1922,
Yes, i remember it now .

I remember how our palms collided and,
how those brown eyes of yours stared deep into my soul.
I remember the Colour of sky,
The sky which was as dark as my yearnings for you.
I remember that necklace of rose quartz pendant you put on my neck on my 18th birthday,
and i put a ring of chalcedony stone in your index finger of your left hand.
You told me that it wasn't just ornaments,
and that it was the symbol of our unconditional love, eternity and unity.

I remember the day how I, being your only queen and your only love got my king killed.
I apologise for what I did to you but you deserved that,
'cause before I was your queen, I was my father's princess whom you killed with your sharpened sword while I was in my eudaemonia of turning 13.
The pain, suffering and agony that I went through after my father's demise could never be filled by your love.

But now it is 2022,
The history seems to repeat itself after 100 years.
I look the same and you still look at me with the same admiration.
We both know neither of us have forgotten our past,
And we both also know that you will still choose me and only me over all the 21st century girls.
That's the effect i have on you,
I know that and you know it too.
                              ---- Sanvi Saumya

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