Chapter 1: Flashbacks

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Stella P.o.V *present time* 

Michael and I had always been best friends, our mum's have been best friends since High School. Michael was only born 5 minutes before me. Yeah, same day, same year, but different time and different mum's. The hospital we were born in was terrible. So, Michael and I's mum's had to share a delivery room. Weird, right? They closed down 3 days after I was born.

*Coming Home From The Hospital*

"They're so cute!" My mum said.

"I know," said the other girl (Mike's mum).

"They're so gonna date someday,"


*1 year birthday*

Pink, that's all I could see when I walked into the living room for my birthday party... pink. I hate pink! Mike walked in with his mum. I walked over to him and we played with his police car and my princess.

*5 years old*

Michael and I walked into the Kindergarten classroom...terrified

*10 years old*

"Omg, Luke is soooo cute!" I told my friends Desiree , Syerrah, and Annette.

"But, what about Ashton!?" Desiree gushed.

"Calum!" Syerrah yelled.

"Calum's mine!" Annette joked around hitting Syerrah with a pillow.

*13 years old*

Michael, Ashton, Calum, Luke, and I were sitting in class on the last day of school. The bell rang and we burst out of the door!

*15 years old*

"He said I've been to the year 3000..." A couple minutes later they finished their cover of Year 3000 by Busted. He had such a beautiful voice... his green eyes were hypnotizing.

*A few weeks later*

 "Oh my God, Guys!!!!" Michael yelled from the kitchen. "I was waiting for the popcorn to finish and I looked at our youtube account and saw we have a message on our cover of Teenage Dirtbag, fom ONE DIRECTION!!!  They said that they want us to go on tour with them!"

*2 weeks later*

"We'll Skype, text, and call and everything we can possibly do to stay in touch!" Michael yelled crying hard.

"Do you promise!

*Stella pov present time*

He never called or answered any of mine.

To The Moon [Michael Clifford]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat