Chapter 14

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Thank you for 510+ reads! Only a few more chapters, wow. Also, I might have messed up Mutsuki's pronouns somewhere, so if you find one please comment and let me know. Here's today's chapter :)

What was that?

"Urie!" I hear Mutsuki call followed by more thuds. Shoot! I'm in the middle of something. I'll just have to hope that they can handle it a bit longer. I finish the ghouls surrounding me as quickly as possible before noting more movement near the entrance. Wait... Nakarai! Tamaki, Mikage, and Abara too!

"Juuzou, over here!" I call. He peeks out from behind one of the large storage containers, twirling a knife in his hands.

"Yes, my lovely (Y/n)?" He says while I point up at the other investigators. "Ooh you found us!"

"Yes, we did. Though it seems like you've disposed of most of them already." Investigator Nakarai notes.

"Only around here. I heard Investigators Urie and Mutsuki fighting with some ghouls over there, and I'm pretty sure one of them is Big Madame." I say pointing in the direction I heard thuds from earlier.

"Well, What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Juuzou orders.

"Ah, wait. Here." Abara says timidly, handing Juuzou a case.

"Jason!" Juuzou says happily, his eyes gleaming as he eagerly grabs his favorite weapon. Then he nods at us and we race after him towards our colleagues.

"I'm irritated to the max now!" A large female ghoul with a tail-like kagune roars from one of the platforms overlooking us while Urie and Mutsuki sit on the ground looking up at her. "I won you in the auction, so I'm taking you home with me. As for the brat there, I'll chop him up... and eat him!" She screams, sending him kagune at the pair. Urie feebly holds an arm out in front of Mutsuki, but we get there first, severing the appendage into several pieces littering the ground. "J-Juuzou..."

"Hello, Mama." He replies, the smallest of smiles on his face.

"Move! You weaklings!" She shrieks, lauching herself from the balcony towards Mikage and Tamaki who leap out of the way of her kagune. "What are my bodyguards doing?!" She mutters, running across the wall while the rest of us follow on the ground. "Juuzou! Rei! You're going to defy your mother?!"' She growls, though Juuzou does his best to ignore her, signaling the rest of us with small hand movements. "But I raised you! Do you hate me? Is that it?" Even if he doesn't I sure do. She jumps down from he ground and continues running ahead of us, Tamaki practically flying after her, slicing down her back.

She dodges a hit from Mikage, moving almost completely into Nakarai' path, though she somehow avoids that one as well.

"Pardon the incision." Abara mumbles, his milky white eyes glinting as he chops her kagune clean off while I slam her into the ground with my quinque. She slides across the floor, almost hitting the wall before boosting herself up and scaling the wall again. She bares her teeth as a lone figure leaps towards her.

"Juuzou!" She screams in fury. The blow he deals with his scythe doesn't quite kill her, but it knocks her from her perch and she lands in a position very different from her previous one. She shakily holds herself up with her arms as she stares up at us from the floor. Juuzou meets her gaze head on, the rest of us standing behind him as he takes a few steps closer.

"Mama... Scars were all I had received from you. Only my scars take me back... No matter what others may say about you, I had never held a grudge against you." Juuzou says with a smile, greatly contrasting the expressions of me and the rest of the squad. It must've been hard for him to say that with such a brave face. I can't say I share the sentiment, but I respect his feelings on the matter. He's more involved in this than anyone else here.

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