Chapter 7

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Hello, and thank you for 140+ reads! I have a bit of a cold right now, so that's super annoying. I hope everyone else is healthy. This chapter is a bit awkward. I put a bunch of small scenes together that are really different so I don't think it's as put together as I normally do. There's also a scene I wasn't so sure about doing, but I wanted to do something. Here's today's chapter :)

A few days after the battle at Cochlea, Juuzou and I sit in front of the giraffe exhibit at the local zoo. Juuzou, a sketch pad in front of him, doodles the animals in crayons.

"Ah!" A nearby child cries as a bright red ballon is caught in a gust of wind, soaring off into the sky. Juuzou looks over, observing the boy and his father.

"You need to hold it tighter!" The boy's father gently scolds.

"Yeah, but..." The boy sniffs.

"All right, we can go buy another one." His father says, patting his back.

"Really!? I won't let this one get away!" The boy claims, grabbing his father's hand while Juuzou looks at them, shock etched onto his features.

"Mama..." He murmurs. Come to think of it, I don't really know anything about Juuzou's past or home life. Maybe I should ask? It can be a touchy subject though... While pondering the matter, I gaze at the red-eyed boy who looks back and forth between his drawing and the giraffe, the bright colors on the paper greatly contrasting the brown and tan of the live one. Suddenly there's a meowing sound. I sit up straighter as a black and white patched cat pushes between me and Juuzou, rubbing against our sides. Juuzou reaches down and scratches its chin while I stroke its back.

"Is that a giraffe you're drawing?" A voice suddenly pipes up, startling the cat who scampers away. I look up to see Shinohara, finally up and walking again. "Oh, I didn't see your friend there. Sorry, sorry." He apologizes as Juuzou stares after the cat before looking up at him.

"Shinohara! You're out of the hospital! Again." I say. He's been in way to much for my liking as of late. Juuzou just smiles cheerfully at the man, glad that he's alright.

"Yes. I was discharged earlier." He answers, taking a seat next to Juuzou. "Do you like animals?" He asks, peering over Juuzou's shoulder at his drawing.

"I like imagining them with their guts spilling out." Juuzou says, catching Shinohara off guard.

"O-oh really?" He stutters.

"Shinohara, is the Owl really strong?" Juuzou asks. Oh right, the Owl. It turns out the crashing noise we heard had been the Owl coming to collect its friends, such as Eyepatch.

"Yeah, he sure is." Shinohara responds after a moment; Juuzou giggles.

"I can't wait!" He laughs. I wish you were joking but I know your not. You could seriously get hurt. We all could.

"I might actually die next time." Shinohara says, looking up at the giraffe in front of us.

"Whether we die or not isn't really that big a deal." Juuzou says while Shinohara stands up.

"Juuzou..." He begins, turning to look at him. "If you were to die, I would be sad." Juuzou stares at Shinohara in wonder as if the whole concept of 'sadness' is foreign to him. Though, considering what I do know about him, it could definitely be a possibility. I'd like to know more about what shapes him into the person he is today. As eccentric as he is, he certainly has his charms. "Well, what do you say? Want to get something to eat on the way back?"

"Count me in!" Juuzou says enthusiastically, pulling me up with him.

"Oof, okay okay I'm coming." I say exasperatedly. He always has so much energy. Shinohara, having started walking already is several strides ahead. Juuzou and I race to catch up with him, each of us taking places on different sides. Juuzou glances at me before wedging himself between Shinohara and I. Shinohara raises an eyebrow at his actions, though Juuzou only offers a smile in return.

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