Chapter 8

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Hello everyone! My cold is gone so that's great. Also, thank you for 185+ reads! I feel like this chapter isn't very good, so I'm sorry in advance, like with most chapter. Here's today's chapter :)

"Another testamentary note?" Juuzou groans, looking at his reflection in a spoon, twirling to see different distortions. Yes, another. Every time we're assigned onto a big mission like this we have to write notes to loved ones for if we don't make it back.

"It's mandatory." Shinohara reminds as Juuzou pulls the spoon away from his face.

"But I have nothing to say to anyone." He says, scooping out another bite from his sundae.

"You can write anything. You could even say thanks to your friends and comrades." Shinohara suggests. Juuzou merely blinks at him, the spoon hanging out of his mouth. I've already written mine. A note to my mother thanking her and apologizing for not being able to use what she'd left me, a note to Shinohara for being a great superior, one to Akira to thank her for being my friend and regret at not being able to spend more time with her, and finally Juuzou. I know he probably won't be sad if I die. He's said as much, though I can't help but hope he would miss me at least a little because I know if he were to die I definitely would be. Though I also know that's probably not the only reason I'd feel that way.

Later that day, I'm walking through the CCG building, about to end my shift when someone appears.

"Hello, (Y/n)."

"Oh, hi Akira! How are you? I was just leaving." I say.

"I... don't know. Could we talk?" She asks, looking down slightly.

"Of course. Do you want to grab something to eat, or..?" I trail off.

"Mm, food sounds nice." She agrees. We bother make sure our workspaces are clean before heading to the nearest sit down restaurant which happens to be a nice little ramen shop. We place our orders and begin talking.

"Soooo, what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"I apologize, it's probably not whatever you're thinking. It's actually quite an... elementary topic." She says. To be honest I wasn't really expecting anything in particular. She's still pretty hard to read.

"Oh no that's fine. What is it, Takizawa bothering you again?" I guess.

"Yes, but that's not it." She sighs, pausing to sort out her thoughts. "It's Amon."

"What about him?" I press. Is this..? No, it can't be. Is Akira having... boy troubles?

"Well, it's just... Ah. He's just so him." She says exasperatedly.

"Here are your orders, ladies." The waiter says, placing two dishes in front of us.

"Thank you." Me and Akira say in unison. I let out a laugh while a small smile makes its way into Akira's face. We dig into our food, soon picking up where we left off on the conversation.

"So what is it in particular that happened?"

"Hmm, well it started similarly to this. He was going to have dinner after work with Takizawa and then he invited me along as well. I accepted on whim and got a little tipsy." She says, looking slightly embarrassed. Oh please tell me you didn't. "Don't make that face, it's not that bad!"

"Okay, okay, sorry!" I exclaim.

"Anyways, Takizawa got called back to the office because he didn't finish a report so only me and Amon were left. He escorted me home and I fell asleep. He was still there in the morning though. I found him doing push-ups on the balcony." She says. I giggle at the mental picture. "I made breakfast and he said he wants to protect me since he couldn't protect my father." She says quietly.

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