Chapter 13

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Hello, and thank you for 435+ reads and 25+ votes! Also, a special thanks to MaryTZ , Emeraldcita , and Lynn_Ari_inc ! Here's today's chapter :)

Sending Juuzou off on the mission is hard, as expected, but at least the moments leading up to his departure are somewhat enjoyable. He had to be disguised as a female, and because of his structure it isn't too hard. It was interesting seeing him in makeup and a dress, as well as a longer wig to accentuate the feminine look. I was there the whole time, taking in every second. It really is true, having a heart and caring for people with this job makes it even harder, but every time I see him I'm reminded why it is worth it.

Waiting for the signal to make our move, however, is practically torture. It feels like it's been forever when in reality it's only been a few minutes and the auction has probably only just begun.

Sensing something, I look up at the building in front of me to see what I assume to be hundreds of ghouls flitting around in panic through the windows. Our orders come shortly after.

"Commence assault." The voice of Matsuri Washuu rings through our earpieces. "To all personnel... Your first mission: eradicate all of the ghouls inside. Out of all the ghouls, make sure you completely take out Big Madame. It's expected that the Aogiri Tree will intervene, but do not let this chance go to waste. Your second mission: rescuing the civilians. Put priority on all of the civilians who were kidnapped first."

I nod to my squad. Well, technically Juuzou's squad, but still.

"Currently fighting on the front lines. The White Suits! It's Naki from Aogiri!" An unidentified voice exclaims in my ear. "Please send back—" The voice cuts out. I look behind me at Akira, commanding her own squad. She gestures to the building.

"The White Suits are on the front lines, Akira and her team are going to back them up while we head in." I say. "Let's go. No, wait a sec." I say as a message comes through.

"(L/n), I'd like you to go with the Quinx squad this time." Washu says.

"Sir?" I ask. Getting no response I look over at the Quinx squad, Sasaki looking as if he had just gotten the same message since his eyes flick over to me as well. "Investigator Nakarai, you're in charge of this squad for the time being, Investigator Washuu wants me to join up with the Quinx."

"But why?" Investigator Mikage asks.

"I'd actually like to know that myself but he didn't answer." I say. "Take care of yourselves." I add before running over to the Quinx and deploying my quinque. The one I had received from my mom was a light, long handled hammer with a spearhead on top. Very different from what I had been used to, but after two years of training I had become rather efficient at using it. Though that's not to say my daggers are quite out of use yet.

"Investigator (L/n)." Sasaki greets while the rest of the Quinx give me small bows.

"Hello, thanks for letting me join you. We should probably head out now." I say. This is a bit awkward since I'm technically their superior, but within this squad I'll be taking orders from Sasaki. And I haven't worked with them in combat before. We take off into the building with another squad, running into a group of ghouls right off the bat. Investigator Ato, leader of the other squad, waves us forwards to find Investigator Mutsuki. We happen upon them in a narrow hallway, facing off against a ghoul, a discarded fire extinguisher laying on it's side nearby.

The ghoul lifts its kagune, aiming it right at Mutsuki before Sasaki launches himself in front, slicing through the ghoul's kagune. The ghoul takes a step back, shock evident in their eyes as Sasaki stands protectively in front of Mutsuki, blade in hand.

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