Hawks x Y/n

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"Hey kid I'm back from work "oh hey how was work my birdy boy "it was fine I just had to fight a couple of villains so nothing much what have you been doing "oh well I took some pain meds and mostly laying down "oh why did you get hurt "oh no I just got my period is all "then why are you up cooking dinner come here"ok why though "so I can do this". He gave you a kiss and then he picked you up and carried you to the couch"ok we're going to cuddle and then watch some movies and the I'm going to get us food sound like a plan "Ya I would love that for the movie could we watch Hamilton "of course we can watch whatever you want my love oh Ya before I forget what do you want to eat "mm kfc if that's ok with you "sounds amazing". You two cuddle while eating and watching Hamilton then you fall asleep on his chest while he whispers sweet nothings to you. Rubbing your head and back all night and calling in to work the next day saying he's going to take a break for a day just to take care of you and spend time with you. <3

The Mha charters comfort you one your period one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now