Izuku Midoriya x Y/n.

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"Hey Puppy, I'm home." you hear Izuku say from downstairs "Puppy where are you." "In our bedroom." You hear him walking up the stairs "Hey Puppy you ok what's wrong why are you lying in bed?" "My period started today." "Oh no I'll get some stuff for you ok." "No, you don't need to do that It's ok really." "No too late already walking down the stairs I'll be back in like ten minutes love you Puppy."

Ten minutes later.

"I'm back Puppy I got you pain meds, a toy, your favorite Ice cream, a blanket and some pads and tampons for you." "Wow you didn't have to do this for me." "I know I didn't have to I wanted to do this for you because I love you, so I'll do anything to make you happy." "Aww your so cute you know that Izuku." One you said that his face went bright red like a tomato. "Umm t-thanks." "Haha are you ok?" "Umm ya I'm ok." "That's good".

"Hey Izuku, can we umm cuddle If It's aright with you of course." "Yes of course It's alright with me come here." "Haha ok I'm coming give me a minute." You go to grab the blanket that he got you but one you turned around Izuku was behind you and grabbed the blanket and warped you up in It and then he picked you up. "Hey, put me down!" "Nope" "haha your so cute Izuku." "Shut up" "Haha". 

One you two reach your bed he puts you down softly and he takes off his shirt and lays down and pulls you up against his chest. "I love you so much Puppy never forget that." "Aww I love you to Izuku." Then you close your eyes and go deeper in his chest. Then he starts to rub you back and your head saying sweet nothings in tell you fall asleep.

Two hours later.

You wake up from your nap and hear someone humming in the kitchen. "Hey Izuku Is that you?" "Oh, you're finally up how was your nap?" "Umm It was good what are you making?" "OH, just some katsudon." "Oh, yummy Is there enough for me." "Of course, there Is my love." He says with a blinding smile. 

"Aww thank you baby" "you don't have to thank me I like to do things for you It makes me happy to know that I can make you feel happy." "Haha you're so sweet you know that Zuzu." "Thanks, Puppy you know you're really sweet to." "Aww thanks". You two start to eat and after you watch a movie. The End <3

The Mha charters comfort you one your period one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now