Only on my own

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I just didn't understand. Why now? Why here?

Why me? After all those years, he loves me now.
Tears stream down my face as I struggle to comprehend the situation.

Was I supposed to love him back? Confusion racks my body as I sit in the alley where I often went when I was sad before I died.

On my own, pretending he's beside me.
Back then I wanted him to be mine.
But I had Enjolras now...

All alone...
I didn't know what to do. Scared and alone, I closed my eyes.


" rain will make the flowers... "

With one last breath, I reached up and lingered on his lips before falling into the dark abyss of death.

As I left my body, I looked back down at the scene I had just left. My lifeless body lay limp in Marius' arms

"the flowers... Grow " he murmured. When he saw my eyes had closed for the last time , he shook me gently. " 'ponine? 'ponine wake up ! Please? " my heart broke when he realized I was gone. I longed to tell him I was okay, that I no longer felt pain. He kissed my body's forehead and cradled me for a while.

I watched over him, trying my best to protect him from harm. Suddenly I heard a yell from the other side of the barricade. Gavroche.

I knelt by his body for a long time. I watched as Coufreyac broke down in tears. Tears that continued to stream down his face until he heard the cock of the gun that killed him in the café musain. As time passed, I didn't worry about Marius . Somehow I knew he was safe.

Time rewound and I was floating Marius and my body again. Just after he had kissed me. All too soon my body was taken away. Suddenly it felt as if I was back in my body, or at least seeing things from that perspective.

Enjolras held me tightly and I could hear his pounding heart beat; Buh boom buh boom. His heart sounded like a drumbeat. He walked quickly, as if he wanted to get me away quickly.

As soon as we entered the empty café he collapsed to his knees. His heart beat sped up and his breathing became short and sharp as if he was having a panic attack. He held me with one arm whilst his other hand raked anxiously through his golden curls. "Why Eponine? Why? " he was crying by now, the colour gone from his ocean blue eyes. Tears tracked down his face as he pulled my body into his. I could feel the vibrations of his sobs. " I love you Eponine. I should've told you before. Now it's too late. Always too late . We could've had a happy life. I could've saved you. I'm a coward Eponine. " my heart hurt to think that I had ignored him like Marius had for this long .

Suddenly I was floating outside the window of the café musain . A body lay suspended from the window, with eight bullet holes in their chest. I knew straight away that it was Enjolras. I reached out to touch him, expecting for my hand to pass right through him. But my fingers traced his jawline easily. Knowing what I had to do, I kissed his still warm lips ,a love blossoming from the barricades of my heart. Feelings I didn't know I had kept me safe and loved. When I entered heaven, I ran to his side, enveloping him into a hug. " I love you too. "


Back then I knew what to do.

But what do I do now?

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