Not hung up on you anymore

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"I missed you so much" I murmur into her hair.
"Ditto pontmercy, ditto. " she sighs as she pulls away, she inspects my body, checking out my arm that had withered and become useless since the wound in my arm from the barricades had become infected. I go to look at it but realise that it is no longer withered, and is in perfect condition. I fight the urge to let out a suppressed laugh of disbelief, but a bubble of it escapes my lips before I have time to process it. For a few moments I stare at it, dumbfounded.

Eventually, Eponine grabs my hand and drags me to a building that exactly replicates the café musain. My heart leaps to my mouth as I hear the familiar chatter and jostling from my friends who I knew had been long dead. I almost sprint up the all too perfect stairs, but I hold myself back. What if they hate me for abandoning them?

Eponine enters first and proceeds to the front of the room,whilst I hang back in the shadows, watching my friends in awe.

"Ahem. " she coughs gaining the attention of the whole group. I chuckle to myself, because she reminds me exactly of how Enjolras was before the revolution. Scanning the room, I find him, sitting straight, his eyes taking in every movement she made with a familiar look in his eye.

" So, as you all know, five years ago today, the barricades fell. But we all died for the greater good, the benefit of the people. Yes this never actually did anything to help, but since then we have inspired others to at least take a stand in our place. " she paused and looked towards the door.

"What I really wanted to tell you all is that this afternoon I welcomed in a person you will all know very well." I watched the boys as their brows furrowed in confusion. Did they know if I had survived?

Eponine gave a little cough as if to say it was safe to come out. As I stepped out into the light the confused chatter stopped immediately, all eyes turned towards me. Silence filled the room as they all stared at me. The line that Grantaire had uttered to me five years before sprang to mind "I am agog, I am agast... " judging by their expressions they all must've thought that I had died and gone to my own heaven .

" Marius ? " came a soft murmur from Enjolras' corner. Suddenly chairs were pushed aside as my friends encompassed me in a tight group hug. When I am released, there are constant questions fired at me. Without talking, Eponine silences the barrage of questions by giggling loudly. " Gosh guys, give the man a break! He's only just arrived ! "

Later, we emerge from the café, tired, but happy. Enjolras gave me a quick hug before his cheeks flamed and he speedwalked off. Eponine reached up and gave me a peck on the cheek before jogging off in the same direction as Enjolras. My heart leaps and somersaults at the thought of her touching me, kissing me. My mouth goes dry with longing and I just want her to be mine.

I don't know why I did, but I followed her. Through the alleyways and the backstreets. Part of me realised this was why she had been my ever constant shadow.

I pause when I hear noises. A low groan comes from the darkness, a voice ringing out in the darkness

"oh I've been waiting all day for that kiss babe... " purred the voice. I recognized the voice, but couldn't correctly place it. In a rash decision I turned the corner to see something I wished I could unsee. Enjorlas was kissing a girl passionately and hungrily, his hands tangled in her raven locks.

But the girl was no ordinary girl. She was Eponine.

I stood dumbfounded before my heart broke in two.

They didn't expect the volcano of anger that came after.

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