3. The Forgotten Hero

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The three of them made a pact to talk to Frost about her behaving so cold and detached as well as talk to Caitlin.

"So who is going to ask her?" Barry whispers, his arms folded above his chest, leaning back towards the guys so they can hear him while his eyes still on Frost who was across the cortex.

"Oh my neck is still...stiff." Ralph cranks his neck sideways. Barry rolls his eyes.

"I-I got...stuff, to do." Cisco says.

"Way to go guys." Barry taunts.

"Looks like you get the honour to do, whatever you got to do." Barry glares at Cisco.

Ralph and Cisco flash a wide smile and give him a thumbs up.

Barry took a deep breath and walked towards Frost. He turned around to look at the guys for the last time.

"Hey um.. Forst," He saw her turn at his voice.

Her eyes, were different. There was no feeling that he could see in her, no emotion. She was lifeless. He didn't like that, it felt like she was only Frost, no Caitlin. That was not possible, Caitlin is always a part of Frost no matter what.

"Frost, I wanted to talk to Cait-" He got interrupted by large beeping in the cortex.

"It's Godspeed! He is at CCPN." Harry says as everyone rushes into the cortex.

"Allen, he has Iris."

Barry looked at the camera feed and flashed out of the cortex pumping his arms as fast as he could, propelling him forward adding onto his velocity. In no time, he rushed into CCPN. The place was trashed, papers everywhere, things scattered in every corner of the place. He quickly scanned for anyone who was injured and ran back to the lab.

"Any sign of her?!" He chocked his words out.

"Not yet." Cisco says clicking on his keyboard trying to get a location.




Iris opened her eyes and quickly shut them from the blinding light. Slowly, she peaked trying to adjust her eyesight to the new environment. It looked like an old warehouse with every surface covered with dust and debris, yet the place had a lot of familiarity. Soon she realized that her hands were tied to the chair she sat on. Iris tugged onto the ropes hoping to get herself free.

"Its no use." A deep voice came making her jump slightly.

There he stood, white suit wrapped around his body, with no feature of his face visible to her. She couldn't know if he was angry, frustrated, enlightened as there were no traces of any emotions. There was no way to emotionally break the man that was in front of her.

"Who are you, and why did you capture me?" She asked hoping to get an answer that she can work with.

"I am the forgotten hero." The voice deepened.

Iris frowned, but what he said was quite familiar. Unfortunately she did not know what he meant.

"What do you want from me?!"

"I don't want anything from you," He flashes right in front of her, inches away from her face. "I want you."

She gasps slightly.




Barry paced back and forth in the cortex trying to keep his calm but he was losing it.

"Guys come on, there has got to be something." He said for the millionth time.

Frost rolled her eyes while Cisco looked at him in disbelief.

"Barry, calm down. We have been through this situation before, even worse as a matter of fact. We will find her." Joe says, but gives himself hope as well.

"What about the tracker placed on her phone?"

"It's destroyed." Cisco says.

"What about reprogramming the satellite to check for speed signatures?"

"Been there, done that." Cisco says again, continuing to type.

"Okay what about facial recognition?"

"Man, what do you think I have been doing for the past few hours?" Cisco replies in frustration.

Barry flashes out running around the city trying to get a location of Iris. In a few second he is back.

"Allen, you are just wasting your energy, there is no point in running around!" Harry said annoyed by the constant distraction from him.

"God this is all my fault." Barry ran his hand through his hair.

"It's not." Frost commented looking at her screen.

"What do you mean?" He asked eyeing her.

"Look at the screen." She commanded. Everyone turned their eyes towards the big screen in front of them. "Take a look at the places Godspeed has attacked. Jitters, Italian restaurant, bowling alley, the nearby building, and CCPN. These all places have one thing in common." She explained.

"Me." Barry says, his arms crossed above his chest trying to solve the clues in front of him.

"Just because you are The Flash, doesn't mean everything is about you." She remarked, rolling her eyes while Ralph and Cisco looked at each other mouthing an 'ooof'.

"All these places are linked with Iris, meaning that it was his plan all along."

"Yeah but it still doesn't make sense of why he would attack the building nearby." Harry pointed out.

"The building he wanted to attack was STAR Labs but maybe he couldn't. And her tracker is destroyed too, meaning that he has to be someone who knows her personally and is close to her." Frost concluded.

"But how is that possible? Godspeed is from the future." Barry asks.

"That I don't know."

"Wait, could this mean that Savitar is back?" Cisco asks.

Barry notices Frost shiver at the mention of Savitar.

"No that's not possible, he was erased from existence." Barry turned around telling Cisco.

"Okay, all we have to do is figure out who Godspeed is and we will get Iris." Harry says.

"Yeah and how are we going to do that?" Barry asks.

"We will find a way, we always do, Allen."

Barry looked at him, thinking about the man he first met, who only looked at the downside of situations, and this man now, standing in front of him, who was blunt, but was willing to see a brighter side. He smiled slightly thinking about the change in him.


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