Ill give you my heart (ricky olson)

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It was cold outside..I didn't know what I was going to do, where to stay

My abusive father had finally had enough of me I guess..that's why I'm stranded out here

I'm in the middle of no where in the freezing cold. 'Damn' I thought

Then I remember when he dumped me here...I at lest brought my phone, I had a bad feeling that something like this was going to happen so I brought my phone just incase

I pulled it out I the pocket I my goodie and started scrolling through my contacts... When one name caught my read "Ricky :3"

It was my old friend ricky olson

I haven't talked to him in a few years due to the fact that he was in a band now and he was always buisy

Seeing no one else in my phone that would be willing to help me I tap on rickys contact

All that in saying in my head are things like "don't say anything stupid" and "please pick up, please pick up"

But I was cut off from my thoughts when a calm sweet voice rang through the phone


It was ricky

I replied back to him before he could bang up in me since I hesitated for quite a while

"U-um, yeah hi...i don't know if you'll remember me, bit it's (y-y/n)"

I kept on stuttering into the phone

"Hannah?.....JESUS FUCKING CHRIST of corse I remember you! Holy shit it's been forever since we've talked, how have you been?"

He replied back to me

"R-Ricky can y-ou hel-p m-me...plea-se.."

I was practically in tears by this point and I'm sure I look like a panda based on how much make up was falling off my face

"(Y/N), what's wrong? Of corse I'll help you just spill..."

"M-my father...h-he left me....i don't k/know what to do..."

"Where are going to find you"

My tears kept on making a muffling sound over the phone

"Shhhhh...its okay just calm down, just tell me where you are"

I looked down the road to see a sign at the end of it.. thank goodness

The sign read '16 ave..'

I replied back I ricky who was still waiting on the phone for my response

"There's a sign t-that says, 16 ave."

We still live in the same town in Pennsylvania so he provably knew where I was, thankfully he did

"I'll be there in about 15 minuets ok? Don't cry, your going to be okay. just hang in there"

And with that I hung up the phone

I sat on the side of the road, waiting for Ricky

About 10 minuets later I saw a car coming down the street that I believed to be Ricky's car..

But I looked inside the window to the passengers seat....ot wasn't ricky...but the car pulled over

The door opens and..

(A/N) HAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER!! I'm gonna make a part 2 to this soon but don't worry like MOSHmellows in the meantime, vote cimment, or follow if you wish :)

•CoFfIn KuZa•

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