The Alpha Leader retrieves towards the door not even taking a glimpse at his now scared omega mate. He took steady strides and left the dungeon slamming the door shut, not even caring about his wolf crying inside. Tae was too engrossed in his subspace that he didn't react to anything.

Jackson and the guards bowed toward the leader. The Alpha turned to look at the Omega who was staring at the way the alpha went. He pitied their luna who had to suffer all this. He wanted to help their luna as atonement for committing a great sin by attacking him but it is not easy as he thinks. He couldn't persuade the alpha with his mere words and no way he is stepping back.

"Take Care of Him" Jackson ordered the other five Alpha, who bowed obliquely.
He stormed out of the dungeon, taking the path where the alpha went.

Jackson saw his leader striding strongly. He ran to catch up with his leader.

"Alpha!" He called, making the Male Alpha stop in his spot, not turning back knowing the person by his scent. Jackson went to Jungkook and stood back a little.

"Alpha! Please he-" Jungkook raised his palm stopping the mere alpha from continuing. Jackson closed his mouth, bending down his head.

"If you are going to support that rogue, I order you to not utter a word" His voice roared in the silent hallway. His words were crystal clear. "I don't want to hear anything related to him" he continues.

"But Alpha, he is your mate, our luna" Jackson stresses every word. "He is the future of our pack Alpha," Jackson begs.

The Alpha stood there hearing all the words. His hands were fisted and held his poker face. He was not even shaken a little hearing all this. The leader turns abruptly glaring at Jackson who stiffens at his state.

"He is neither my mate nor your luna"
He shouted, making the alpha cower a little. "As I don't accept him as my mate, he is not your luna too" he ordered. "You understand?" He shouted, which made the other nod vigorously.

"And I can never accept him as my mate.." he said, retrieving from there leaving the alpha soldier alone in the silence of the hallway.

Jackson knew this was a herculean task and it is his luck that he is still alive. He now knows the stand of his Alpha Leader. He sighed, looking down. It was expected.

"I am sorry, Luna" he whispered, under his nose with a sigh. He left the castle not even having the courage to see the Omega who is suffering even in the sight of his mate.

Jungkook entered his room and slam the door shut behind him. His chest is heaving up and down in anger and frustration piling up inside him. He screamed and started to throw things out of their place. The tidiest room in the Packhouse became the messiest one that night.

The whole packhouse quaked in his roar. The wolves were confused as to why their leader is screaming at his peak. The rumbling can be heard, even though the room is soundproof. They heard the shatter of the mirror. The wolves wanted to help their alpha but did not want to face the consequences they stayed back.

An hour later, the alpha Leader is now sitting at the edge of his king-sized bed, his head hung down. Blood dripping from his both palms decorating the white floor. His scent was so pungy, and the whole room reeked of it.

Jk turned his palms back and forth staring at it. His lips curved into a smirk. His wounds are not healing because his wolf has closed the connection with him. He knew whatever he did had hurt his wolf who was the one longing for his mate and now seeing his mate in this condition while the human side ordered to kill his mate, jk's wolf couldn't take it.

"Lycus" he called, softly. "I know you can hear me" a sigh left his lips. " Whether you like it or Not but I have to do this"
He asserted. "I have to take care of my pack".

"Pack? Which pack will exist without a luna?" Lycus questioned, growling.

Jungkook could feel the anger of his wolf.
He has the anger to rip himself now because he couldn't protect his mate, his luna.

"Do you think we can survive without our mate?" Lycus questioned again, which left a pang in the Alpha's heart.

Jungkook kept silent as he know what lycus saying was true. He knows that he won't be able to survive after the death of his fated mate.

"Your silence is the answer. You know that we won't be able to survive." Lycus said, trying to take control of the human side who is resisting him from the time he met his mate.

"Jungkook why you are restraining me? Are you afraid that I will mate him?" Lycus snap angrily while Jungkook sadly smiled.

"Just because that fucking omega you are squabbling at me...Just because of that Rogue you forgot about the Promise we had done." Jungkook yelled flinging the vase to the floor, which was on the table beside him.

"You are the one who forgot about the Promise. I even doubt if you know what the promise was. You only Promised to kill the Rogues group who attacked our Alpha and Luna. But Day by Day your anger intensified when you heard that our pack members failed to find out about the attack." Lycus was furious but he controlled his anger and tried to talk to him calmly.

"After years passed whenever you found Rouge around our pack borders or outside the pack you killed them all without any mercy. I did-" Lycus was cut off by Jungkook who was silent hearing his wolf side.

"Are you forgetting the fact that we both are the same and did everything but why are you all of a sudden blaming me for everything that happened?" He growled at the thought of his wolf siding with the rogue which he saw a few hours ago and blaming his human side who was with him from the time of birth.

" Yeah! You are right I was with you for everything, even for the killing the rogue it's all because I know how hurt you are and how lonely you are at the time of our parent's death. I saw how happy you are seeing the rogue killed in front of you. I just want you to be happy. Remember this jungkook that from now I won't ever let you kill the innocent rogue, especially my MATE."
He said stressing at the word 'Mate'.

"Even if you control me I won't ever let you kill my -"Jungkook cut the mindlink with his wolf as he doesn't want to hear his rubbish.

"No one can ever stop me from killing that Rouge."

To be continued

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