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Hello and welcome to another one of my books! thank you for picking it up, and i hope you will enjoy it!


This story is from a guy's perspective. I'm not sure how its gonna go but, its worth a shot. I'm a girl, and I don't exactly know how guys think 💁🏻‍♀️ but we're all different and this is my story, my characters.

→It's a story about depression, I hope all of you and I don't exactly know how guys think. but we're all different and this is my story, my characters.

→It's a story about depression,I hope all of you out there who are suffering from depression understand that dark skies don't always mean rain. Dark skies reveal stars. Please don't let depression consume you, talk to someone about it I'm always free😌

→With it being a short story, chapter lengths may vary, the word count maybe have a huge gap from chapter one ((maybe having 1000 words)) and chapter two ((maybe having 500 words))



→Mature content i.e. rape, violence, and depression

→With that, I hope you think that it was the right choice to open up this book :) i really like how its short and sweet, please tell me your thoughts in the comments and if you like it, give it a vote😁

Copyright ©


All rights reserved This book or any portion of it may not be reproduced, distributed or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author/publisher, except brief quotations in a book review.

All characters and events in the video even those based on real people are entirely fiction, don't own any pictures/video/gif that used in my video credit goes to rightfull owner only the story lines and editings are mine.

Plagiarism is any form won't be tolerated.

Skipping Stones ➼ pjm ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora