Episode 12: Together As One

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When she stands a few feet away from me, she speaks. "Ipomoea is what has been designated to me since birth, it is what you will call me; Ipomoea." She brings her hand to her face and lowers it to her stomach as a kind of gesture I do not comprehend. Ipomoea continues to speak, "I have watched you slaughter my own children in the grasslands that has belonged to me since the beginning of time. I have grown a revengeful heart and demand you hand yourselves over."

I roll my eyes and then they both light up. "Come and get us then." I say. She stares at us coldly before turning into vanishing dust. The ground then rumbles and large thick white vines spiral out of the grass. To avoid them, I sore upwards with Russia in my arms. He stirs gently underneath me. He slowly gains consciousness and looks up at me. "America? What is going on?" he asks in a deep tired voice. It makes butterflies flap happily in my stomach and once again, I am reminded of that stupid vile.

"Um... nothing much... currently battling a powerful pixie who is pissed at us..." I explain to him. His eyes shoot open and he looks below us to the disastrous scene. "What the fuck?! I just woke up!" he complains. The vines continue to chase us viscously so Russia opens a portal redirecting us somewhere else.

We now float under still pink pastel waters. It was beautiful down here; I breathe in the moisture- although, I feel I am not supposed to. I let Russia go and he floats in front of me.

"I am so glad it is easier for us to get out of dangerous situations." Russia remarks. I nod my head in agreement with a smile.

"It's almost too easy- but it would have been fun to use our abilities side by side." I add. Russia chuckles at my response while putting his hands in his pockets. I watch his eyes widen in a panic. "What is wrong?" I ask.

"My rock! It is gone!" he says.

"What! Where did you leave it?"

Both of his hands hold his head in distress. "I am unsure! It had to have fallen out of my pocket when I was sleeping."

"Oh no... we can not let that pixie get ahold of it! We must go back!"

Russia nods his head with serious determination in his eyes. He holds his hand out and opens a portal. We both step into it and greet Ipomoea who has put a halt to her plant usage. "Look who decided to return upon my lands once again! You are weak minded fools to flee." she holds out Russia's rock, "It is the most rudest form of disrespect in battle, now I will make you pay greatly for it."

"That rock does not belong to you! It is mine!" Russia says completely disregarding her tangent.

"It can not be yours, it was made in my realm." She observes the stone. "You have not even tapped into its final form, you are simply a child toying with it." she mocks. Her words remind me of how Oculus talked to me about my power. The more I stare at her, the more the star in my chest starts to feel tingly.

Russia scrunches his face without saying a word. He holds both of his hands out and the planet darkens. He opens a large vortex and it begins to suck everything. Ipomoea latches onto her thick vines and throws Russia's rock up into the vortex. Russia reaches a hand out even more towards his rock, "No!" he shouts.

But the rock shoots out a wave that closes Russia's vortex. It falls back down into Ipomoea's hand, "Reality rests within the grasp of my fingers."

Russia and I look at each other stunned. Neither of us knew that the rock could do that- no wonder why those other pixies tried to steal it. We need to get it back.

Ipomoea throws the rock up once again and it floats in the air. She extends her arms and the rock releases another wave. Ipomoea's four dandelion guards increase in size; they are now augmented giants that touch the clouds!

Sightless & Unspoken (RusAme Au)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang