Beta City Blues.

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Y/N, Dan, and Baron were out in a dessert night.

Dan: Are we back?

Nemus: The color of the sky, the smell in the air, the power rising... We're back home.

Apollonir: Yes. We're back in New Vestroia.

They heard Apollonir's voice from above.

Drago: Apollonir.

Apollonir: With the return of Drago, the perfect core is once again stable. But Ne Vestroia is far from out of danger. The ambition of the Vexus must be crushed.

Dan: You can count on us, right guys?

Baron: Right!

Y/N: First we should find the others.

Dan: Yeah.

*Time skip*

Y/N, Dan, and Baron find the resistance's base before entering but don't see anyone.

Baron: Ace? Shun? Marucho?

Dan: Where are they?

Leonidas: It looks like no one's being here for days.

Y/N: Let's check.

He activates the console before typing on the keyboard as a digital map appeared in front of them with a red dot on one of the cities.

Y/N: Looks like they've gone to Beta City.

Drago: That makes sense.

Dan: Yeah, Drago. I bet they've gone to destroy the dimension controller. I say we follow them and give them a little backup. Let's show those Vexus what we got.

Meanwhile, inside a Vestal base of operations, Spectra Guss, and Lync come out of an elevator and see the rest of the Vexus waiting in the room.

Myline: Spectra. So, you've decided to grace us with your presence.

Guss: That's right. We had a little bit of help from one of the six ancient warriors.

Shadow: Too bad. I thought you were stuck on that garbage planet for good.

Lync: Nice to see you too.

Spectra: Any news, Myline?

Myline glares at him for a moment before her eyes landed behind them where she saw Mira.

Myline: What is she doing here? You fool, that traitor has no business being here. Explain now.

Spectra: Mira Fermin has joined the Vexus.

Myline: Have you forgotten what happened with that masked freak?

Spectra: Accept it, or else.

Myline: What?

Spectra: Isn't that right, Mira.

Mira: He's right.

Mira: *thoughts* All I want to do is to find out what Keith is doing...

Shadow: Smart move, Fermin. The Battle Brawlers Resistance is... history

An image of Shun,Marucho, and Ace inside in capsules appeared and Mira's eyes widen.

An image of Shun,Marucho, and Ace inside in capsules appeared and Mira's eyes widen

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