Chapter 16

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Yn's P.O.V
After I walked downstairs, I kept my guard up as I made my way past the living room where Taehyung and Jimin were... watching me on TV--

'Don't get distracted now!',
I thought as I started shaking my head then forced myself to look away as I remembered why I was downstairs in the first place: Yoongi needs an ice pack.

But as I made my way to the kitchen... I couldn't help but look around as I realized that the front door was right by the tv in the living room and then it was the dining room across from that and then after I walked a little ways away, there was the kitchen... with a backdoor.

But I'm not stupid enough to try and leave now, I'll just get the ice pack and leave.

Once I finally made my way into towards the kitchen, I opened the door and immediately made a beeline for the fridge.

And after looking inside the freezer... there was no ice pack.

What?! But Yoongi said--

"Looking for this.. Kitten?"

'I recognized that voice..'

I thought after I shut the freezer door and let out a small sigh of annoyance before turning around and trying my best to not look as nervous as I felt as I faced... Jimin.

After he noticed that I wasn't saying anything, he smirked while closing the door behind him and while I was backing up, he started to say;

"So tell me kitten... what is SO important that you would be stupid enough as to go downstairs for?"

Keeping my cool, I looked him in the eyes and calmly said;

"Yoongi is. He's hurt and I'm going to take care of him."

After hearing my response, Jimin let's out a chuckle as he says;

"Well isn't that sweet of you..."

Suddenly he paused and glared at me as he continued saying;

"You mean to tell me that you're taking care of the same man who assaulted you... and not to mention.. you're sleeping with him?"

I clenched my fists as I blurted out;

"I'd rather be around him than around any of you."

"Let me give it to you straight Pup... Yoongi isn't someone you should trust-"

"And why is that?"

"Because like me.. hell! --Like ALL of us-- he's a cold blooded murder... so don't think that you're something special just because he hasn't tried anything on you yet."

"If he is what YOUR implying that he is... then why hasn't he hurt me yet?"

At my question, I couldn't help but want to smirk as I took a look at Jimin's face.. he was totally speechless.

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