Chapter 13

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Narrator's P.O.V
As Yn continued on with her story, Miss Choi paused the interview again, to go and get something to eat from the cafeteria and when she came back, she found Yn huddled in the corner of room, giggling.

Seeing her in that state made Miss Choi feel sick as she had started to feel bad for the poor girl the more they talked about her and beloved's "love story" as Yn called it.

And deciding that it would be good to give Yn a break from all these questions, Miss Choi say upright and called out to the giggling girl;

"Hey Yn, would you like to take a 15 minute break to have some lunch?"

At her question, Yn stopped giggling which made Miss Choi worry that she had made her upset but instead of getting the reaction that she expected, Yn simply turned to look at her and smiled as she politely said;

"I would like to take a break but as for lunch.. I'm not hungry right now Miss but thank you anyways."

Hearing her calm response made Miss Choi smile as she nodded and began to eat her lunch while Yn stayed sitting in the same position on the floor and as she turned away from her therapist.. her hair fell over her face, hiding a sly smirk that was lurking on her face.

There are many amazing, wonderful things that she could say about her beloved... but ONE thing that she really loves about him is that he could teach her new things!
And besides teaching her how to play basketball, how to skate and how to cook... he also taught her very important.. survival tactics.

And one of them was how to lie to people.

He taught her so well that he wouldn't even know if she was lying to HIM.. but of course she would never lie to her beloved and she would let him now that.... but when it came to other people.. she had no problem in lying if it was to protect him.

Just as Yn was thinking about him, she let out a sad sigh but then started grinning and as she remembered the very last conversation they had together at home.

She remembers that day well because it was the day those awful policemen took her beloved away from her. She remembers Yoongi getting the phone call from Seokjin and---

"Alright Yn, our break time is over.. listen the guard informed me that I only have 20 more minutes until my visitation hour is over for today so could we make this quick?"

Miss Choi suddenly says breaking Yn from her thoughts and after a moment, Yn turned to her with a blank stare and simply nodded as she calmly went back to her seat and after she sat down, Miss Choi picked up her notepad and said;

"Okay now.. do you remember where we were-"

"Of course I do.. Hoseok and Jungkook were having lunch with my beloved and I and after we ate, I didn't want to talk at first."

Nodding, Miss Choi wrote that down along with some other notes and as she was writing, she paused and looked up at Yn as she asked;
"So.. who broke the ice?"

"It was Hoseok.."


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