chapter 13: The final chapter

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 I disappeared to the forest and sat in the same spot I slept last night and just watched the clouds. I watched the clouds until I heard someone walking up. I pulled out a kunai and threw it at them. "ahh! Watch it Y/n chan" I heard a familiar voice say. "shit.. Hi Naruto. sorry about that" "is it true" he said "is what true?" I asked back." that me?" I looked away ignoring the question and just stared at the clouds again. He just looked at the clouds to and sat with me.

An hour later and I looked over to him and saw him glancing at me, but he noticed me and looked away. "why were you staring at me" "sorry"  I  shrugged it off and ignored it for a few more hours.

after those hours I decided to go catch up to my teammates. "bye Naruto!" I said and began to walk off. I felt someone grab my hand, pull be back, and kiss me. My face grew red as Naruto pulled away. "sorry.. I wasn't thinking. Goodbye Y/N chan" I looked at  Naruto and jumped on him. "why are you apologizing?" I kissed him and he kissed me back.


IM DONE!!!!!!! Thanks for reading this horrible story. My next story will be out soon. No i will not be doing anything else with this story. No pt 2 or extention. Sorry. Hope you enjoyed.

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